Chapter 32

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It was now finally a week later on Tuesday, and it was nearly time for Aiden and I to leave and go to the tracks

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It was now finally a week later on Tuesday, and it was nearly time for Aiden and I to leave and go to the tracks. Aiden and I had been really good this week after last Monday, he seemed to be the perfect friend and my feelings for him were undeniably growing. I had tried to tell myself to stop liking him, nothing would ever happen but I couldn't. He had supported me and been there for me so many times now, that was something that I couldn't just choose to forget.

Dale and Charlie had practically spent all weekend with me and Dale was easily one of my best friends. Charlie and Luke had been getting along extremely well lately too and I know how much that means to Charlie. I was seriously happy for her. Jordan and I seemed to speak heaps in English, Charlie absolutely adored him and it was cute, I understood why they loved each other so much. Aiden hasn't come to any of the 3 English Lit classes this week, and I had completely forgotten to tell him that I had moved into his class. I wondered why he wasn't showing up but I assumed it was because he just hates English or something.

My heart pounded erratically at the thought of not only going to the tracks again, but also being alone with Aiden in the car and I tried not to get too excited. Like he promised, he had been driving me to and from school on his bike, but that was different.

I had already dressed, I didn't want to stand out as much as I did last time but I also wanted to be comfortable so I had stuck with a pair of extra skinny, black jeans and a tank top that showed a good amount of cleavage to be 'hot', but still be comfortable. I put on light makeup, not wanting to stand out and put my hair up in a plain, high, ponytail. My phone chimes almost on queue and I grab it from my charger and head outside.

Once again, Aiden and I exit our houses at the same time and he smirks at me, my heart flips and I smile back, heading over to his garage where his car assumably lived. I see Aiden look at me up and down, and although it seemed like he was checking me out, I knew he was checking if my outfit 'appropriate'.

"Get changed," he demands casually without even looking at my face.

My jaw drops. Asshole.

I had dressed really modestly compared to what I remember the girls wearing. Hell, I even dressed more modestly than I usually do on a day to day basis.

My feminist side once again makes herself known and I instantly want to wear what I'm wearing simply because Aiden said to get changed.

"No," I argue after a minute. Aiden only now looks up to meet my eyes.

"Why the fuck not?" he demands again.

"Because 1, I'm comfortable, 2, I'm covered, 3, you don't get to tell me what to wear," I argue. I was right, screw him. I was way more conservative than the other girls there!! No guy would hit on me when there were so many beautiful girls who were so much more inviting than me.

"For fuck's sake Em, I'm trying to protect you," Aiden rolls his eyes.

My heart flutters intensely in my chest at his words but I choose to ignore them; "I get that, but seriously I'm not going to get hit on when there are so many beautiful girls there wearing a lot less than I am," I repeat my thoughts.

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