Chapter 30

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I climb out of my window, judging by Aidens laugh

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I climb out of my window, judging by Aidens laugh...probably not very gracefully and onto the first branch. Aiden's instructions completely evade my mind as I climb from branch to branch effortlessly. Wow, I was actually pretty good at this.

I quickly maneuver my way onto Aiden's window seal making sure I don't look down before I climb into his room. As good as I ended up being at sneaking into people's rooms, I had to admit, I was glad to be on flat ground again.

I quickly look for Aiden's charger beside his bed and grab it, putting it in my bra considering I stupidly didn't bring anything to put it in and I didn't have pockets. As I rise, a picture on Aiden's bedside table catches my attention. It was of him and a beautiful girl. They were young, maybe like 15. The girl was absolutely beautiful, she had blonde hair that fell in waves, cascading down her back. This girl literally looked like cinderella. She was stunning. She and Aiden had huge smiles on their faces, and they looked completely content with each other.

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear a little voice behind me, I was so entranced in the picture of 2 of the most beautiful humans to ever exist, well apart from Damon Salvatore that I didn't even notice a little girl enter behind me, I freeze.

"Emmy? What are you doing in Dons room?" One of the twins ask from behind me, I wasn't sure if it was Mia or Ella, but I think by the comfort around me it must have been Mia.

"Hi sweetie," I reply once I gain my conscious back.

"Hi Emmy, where's Don?" she rocks back and forth on her feet, looking up at me with adorable green eyes. I wondered why I had never noticed her beautiful eyes before.

My mind quickly scrambles, looking for something to tell this adorable little girl. "Well..." I drag on, she looks at me expectantly. I quickly squat down to her level, still scrambling for a lie. "Aiden and me are playing a little game, he thinks boys are better, but I think they're smelly and gross and girls are better, so I took this to prove it to him, but shhh don't tell him, us girls got to stick together," I wink at her, groaning inwardly at my genius excuse.

I expect her to scold me for taking his things because "mommy said not to do that," or something but instead she giggles and stands on her tippy toes to whisper in my ear; "don't tell Don, but we're playing that game as well, boys are gross and girls are princesses, just like you." Mia giggles.

My heart warms, if I didn't already think these girls were the cutest things in the world, now I definitely did. "I won't, but I think you're the princess," I smile, tickling her stomach a bit.

"Really?! But princesses are beautiful like you, and I'm too young to be a princess right now," Mia responds in a tone that screams 'OBVIOUSLY'.

"Well I know young princesses, and they're usually the most beautiful, like you," I smile at her. She beams at me.

"Really?! Me?" She beams.

"Yep, I think Princess Mia sounds better than Princess Emmy, what do you think?" I smile, tickling her stomach again.

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