Chapter 42

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Song - Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Status - Summary Song

Remember that '🎶🎤🎵' means listen to the song!! I really like this song, I feel like it suits the chapter and even the story perfectly!!!

We had just eaten dinner, as soon as Aiden and his family left we ordered pizza and Toby convinced me to wait until after dinner for our TVD marathon so he could play the X-box with a begging Lij until then

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We had just eaten dinner, as soon as Aiden and his family left we ordered pizza and Toby convinced me to wait until after dinner for our TVD marathon so he could play the X-box with a begging Lij until then.

The 3 of us had played FIFA and I had to admit, I was actually getting pretty good. At least to the point where Lij and Toby weren't fighting over who NOT to have me on their team anymore.

"Okay, you guys play one more game while I get ready for bed but we have to start our marathon when I get back," I say excitedly, you couldn't blame me. I couldn't wait to introduce Toby to the man I wanted to father my kids, even if he was a fictional TV show character.

Toby sticks his thumb up at me absentmindedly but keeps the majority of his attention on the game.

Rolling my eyes to myself I walk upstairs to my room. Aiden's bedroom light was on but I couldn't see him. Closing my window and my curtains I strip down to get into sweatpants and my ex-boyfriend's jumper that I kind of adopted when we were together. And by adopted I mean I borrowed it once and never gave it back, It's not like I had anyone to impress.

I'm about to walk downstairs, preparing myself to drag Toby away from the game but get interrupted when I hear something hit my window. Instinctively I open my curtains and window, knowing it was Aiden.

"Sup Collins," Aiden smirks standing at his window.

"Miss me already?" I grin back.

"You know I do, why even ask?" Aiden winks.

I laugh, rolling my eyes; "is there something you wanted? Toby is downstairs waiting to watch The Vampire Diaries so I can introduce him to his BFFL in - law."

"Wow princess, already trying to replace me?" Aiden grins.

My heart pounds but I ignore it, giving him an expectant look.

"Kidding, mom just got back from Kmart, she wanted me to give you this," Aiden says as he holds up a picture.

I can barely see it so I give him a confused look.

He rolls his eyes grinning; "get out of the way."

I move from the window so he can climb into my room, wondering if most girls have their playboy neighbor climbing into their window at 7:30 at night.

"Here," Aiden says handing me the photo.

I take the framed picture in my hand and on queue, my heart beats rapidly. It was the photo Ang took not even a couple of hours ago. Aiden was smirking at the camera, and I was smiling happily.

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