Chapter 8

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Emily POV:

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Emily POV:

I groan as I fall on to my bed to dwell in my thoughts. Of course mom knew he was listening, why else we she have said all those things about how hot Aiden was!? I have to admit that he was extremely attractive but I would never go for someone like him, he was a bad boy player, the kind of guy your mom would tell you to stay away from.

My thoughts about what I felt like love was are short-lived because before I know it, Elijah jumps onto my bed followed closely by Nala.

I turn around to smile at my 14-year-old brother. Unlike most siblings with our age difference, Elijah and I were extremely close. I guess that's what happens when you go through everything we did together.

"Hey Lij, how was school, meet any new friends?" I smile at him.

Everyone had called Elijah 'Eli' but I had always called him Lij because he had always called me Lee. No one else had called us those names, it was like our sibling thing.

"Good, and yeah, they're kinda weird though" he replies, making a face when he mentions his 'weird' friends.

"Perfect for you then aye?" I giggle and wiggle my eyebrows as he rolls his eyes and sticks his tongue out at me.

We fall into a comfortable silence, consumed with our own thoughts but happy to have each other's company. We were both facing one another, but Nala was in between us so we couldn't really see each other.

"Hey Lee?" Lij begins quietly, barely a whisper. "What do you think Maddi would say if she knew what our father did?" he continues after a minute, still in a whisper.

My heart pounds erratically in my chest and his extremely random and sudden question. I don't know whether I should tell him, I hadn't even told mom.

I calm myself down slightly before deciding to tell him, it was time he knew the whole story.

I sit up so I can face him properly and he copies my action, obviously understanding that what I was about to tell him was important.

"Lij, what I'm about to tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, that means mom and Robert as well" I warn in a quiet voice.

He nods in obvious confusion.

After a minute of physical silence, but a mental war going on with myself about how much exactly I should tell him I sigh.

"Maddi, she knew," I tell Elijah the secret I had kept to myself for 3 years.

Lij looks at me in shock, "she, wait, how?" he manages to say.

"Maddi and I were always extremely close, we were 2 years apart and would tell each other everything, just before she had died she told me that she had known that dad had cheated on mom in the past. Just before Maddi was diagnosed when she was newly 15, she had been home sick one day from school and caught our father with another woman. She had acted as if nothing had happened to our father but told mom as soon as she had gotten home. Mom had told her that she knew that he had cheated before quite a bit, but never confronted him about it and always pretended she didn't know. He had never been serious, or so she thought, it was just small flings and mom had always thought they were harmless and she stayed with him for our sake. Maddi practically begged mom to leave him when she found out but mom refused and made Maddi promise not to tell us, or act any different to dad" I begin, Lij doesn't say anything and I know he is taking it all in.

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