Chapter 71

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Thank you so much to everyone who voted on the last chapter (NOT AN UPDATE), I'll leave it up for any more votes and advice (which is greatly appreciated). I'll be doing story A, which got significantly higher votes, but if I get more votes, that can easily change. Thanks so much guys!!!

Dale POV: (you're either going to love me for who I reveal in this chapter or hate me...any final guesses on who it might be?)

Today was the day, the day that I would go out with the guy that I was actually so invested in. I hated that I couldn't share my excitement with Em and Charlie but I understood what it felt like to hide who you truly are and I didn't want to make anything harder for him.

He had decided to take me to this place that he used to go as a kid with his best friends, it was apparently a  beautiful, peaceful, and private lake about a mile walk into the bushland at the back of Pearlacre, he had sent me the address, wanting to meet me there so no one would see us turn up together and as much as it sucked for me, I could tell how much he hated it as well.

I park my car and see his car in the lot, there was no one here yet so as soon as he sees my car, he's out of his and waiting for me with that attractive smile on his even more attractive face.

His brown hair swayed a little from the breeze and his blue eyes sparkled as they made contact with mine.

"Hey," he grins.

"Hey," I grin back, allowing him to hug me.

"Ready to go? I can't wait to show you the lake," he grins.

"Hell yeah, better be as good as you've made it out to be," I reply back jokingly.

"Oh it's so much better," he grins.

I laugh at him as he takes my hand in his. I hate the butterflies that erupt in my stomach, you'd probably think I was a fucking virgin who had never been touched if you knew how my insides felt right now.

I might not have been a virgin in any case, but I had definitely never felt the way I do about him with anyone before. I knew that he had issues, I knew about his past but that didn't bother me, I respected him even more for going through something so horrific.

I also knew that he might never love me the same way that he loved her before but again, I didn't mind, I would cross that bridge when and if we came to it.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here, by the way, I know this place is special to you," I smile appreciatively.

He smiles happily, his eyes still sparkling; "thank you for letting me," Miles replies.

I know it's bad to do an A/N in the middle of the chapter but I have to know what you guys think about Miles being the mystery man?!

If you hate me right now I'm begging you to hold off until the party when there is a bigger explanation on why I chose Miles and then if you still hate me, I give you full permission to direct message me and swear at me and abuse me...Just wait until my reasoning is further explained...


Detention was hell, if I thought their petty argument in the office about me sitting on a chair was bad then it was nothing compared to the pointless arguments in detention. Right now the boys were in some kind of petty, childish, alpha battle and I was the prize.

At the start it was things like them arguing over who's pen I borrowed to do my homework or who would help me with it (I was smarter than both of them so this was even more useless), then it got to things like who had the most fun with me or who I spent more time with.

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