Chapter 3

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The first few moments after waking up, it's just me and my cosy bed and the winter sun peeking through the curtains. 

I wish I could remain in this wonderful state of blissful ignorance forever – but at some point, reality starts trickling in. 

One by one the memories of yesterday's events start flooding back into my brain, flickering before my inner eye like an unorganised slideshow.

There's Jen, laughing, with a glass of champagne in hand. The buffet with the sushi. Jen's crush. His friends. The scene on the patio. The words we overheard. The guy who said them.

Average at best.

I can hear him say those words as if he'd said them to my face, with the same look he gave me when our eyes accidentally met.

Min Yoongi.

I can see him in front of me as if I was looking at his picture.

The dark eyes, the dark brows, the dark hair, all that contrasted by a skin as pale as milk...In his own unconventional way, he'd certainly be an attractive guy...

If it wasn't for his arrogant character.

The way he stood there at his own party, the owner of the house, ignoring everyone and everything, as if he was way above us lowly mortals.

The way he even looked down on his own friends, probably the only ones he has.

The way insulted me without even having looked twice...

Never in my life have I met someone I detested so much so quickly.

Luckily, I'll never have to see him again.

I shake my head as if to get rid of the last thoughts about him and make my way into the bathroom to get ready for the day, when I see my phone on the desk.

Right. Jen.

I pick it up and open my messenger to see if it was her who was texting me yesterday before I feel asleep.

And I'm right about my assumptions.

I have several messages from Jen, the earlier ones wishing me a good night and asking me to meet up the next day, the later ones written in an increasingly drunk state, telling me about the party. She also sent some selfies of her and that short-haired girl, what was her name again? Nevermind.

I type a quick reply suggesting brunch later and close the messenger, when suddenly another notification appears.


1 message from Unknown


I can physically feel my heartbeat picking up speed as my thumb hovers over the app icon.

Should I open it?

What if it's –

The realisation hits me like a bucket of ice water.

I still don't know what happened at the party after I left.

Jen didn't mention anything. Not even about her new crush. Which is all too suspicious, now that I think about it.

Did the guys see me run away? They easily could have. I mean it's fair to say that I didn't make much of a secret of my dramatic exit. What if they saw me and put two and two together and now they think...

I don't know what they would think. And I shouldn't care. So what if they saw me running off? It's not like I know them personally. They only know –


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