Chapter 8

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"Hey Y/N, do you think he'll be there?", Jungkook asks me while excitedly hopping down the street.

It's 6:45 pm, the sun is just setting on one of the first warmer spring days and we're on our way to Yoongi's party.

"He promised it to you", I answer the question that I've heard for about the thousandth time today. "And he knows the details, I texted him the time and the address. He'll be there."

For the past week, my little brother has been talking about nothing else than the mysterious dancer we met at the mall. It's always Jimin this, Jimin that. Even when we chose our outfits for the party, Jungkook's only thought was if Jimin would like it. Someone might have a little crush.

Maybe that's why I haven't told Jungkook about the incident with Yoongi. I don't want him to worry now that he's finally found a friend.

Believe me or not, he can be quite shy sometimes, especially when he's on his own. It's his first year at university and he hasn't really made any real friends yet. I'm glad that he finally managed to approach someone, even if it's not a student, but Jimin seems really nice. 

And hot. 


Forget that I said that.

Whether I like to admit it or not though, Jungkook is not the only one who's looking forward to seeing Jimin at the party. If he hadn't promised he'd come, I'd probably have turned around and headed straight back to me dorm already. 

Because what else is there to look forward to?

It's Yoongi's birthday.

Yoongi as in Min Yoongi the guy who I disliked from the moment I met him. Min Yoongi who called me average. Min Yoongi who from what I've heard hurt and disappointed Jimin, too. You can guess how excited I am to see him again.

A friendly voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Y/N, I'm here!".

Namjoon's waving at me from the opposite corner of the street where we agreed to meet. 

He's my plus one for the party, and I'm very glad he said yes because I wouldn't have known who else to ask instead. 

"Wow, you look...", he says and pauses as he walks up to me.

"Elegant and simple, I hope?".


Namjoon blushes and looks away as soon as the word leaves his mouth. I've never seen him look that flustered.

"Thanks, Namjoon. And thanks again for agreeing to come to this party of hell with me. I know you're not too thrilled either." 

It's true. When I asked him, I could see that Namjoon was struggling with himself before he said yes. Still, even now he frowns for a second as if he'd suddenly remembered something, but then he pulls himself together again.

"It's fine", he smiles. "I'm happy to be there with you."

"Eeeeek stop it you love birds!!", Jungkook screams, exaggeratedly cringing and covering both his ears. "Let's get to the PARTY!".


We're not the first guests to arrive.

Jen is already there, together with that girl with the short black hair whose name I still can't remember. That's no surprise though, I know she promised Hobi to help him with the party preparations.

The boys are all here too. Hobi's already busting out moves in the middle of the room even though no one else is dancing, Seokjin's just walking in with a tray full of sushi and the not so happy birthday boy is sitting in his grandpa-armchair and ignoring everything and everyone around him once again.

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