Chapter 5

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I don't know how much longer I can take this.

It has only been five minutes since Seokjin went into the kitchen - which means at least 25 more minutes until dinner is ready.

I'm sitting on a huge leather couch in the living room, not knowing what to do with myself and this painful awkwardness.

Jen isn't there, she's resting again because her headache suddenly came back. Hoseok is with her. The only person I could talk to is...


Which is definitely not an option.

When Hoseok announced that I'd stay for dinner, I could tell by the look of their faces that he's less that thrilled about it. He didn't say anything, but I could feel how unwelcome I am in every cell of my body. I still do.

He's been ignoring me completely since our encounter in the hallway, and now he's just sitting there in a chair half facing away from me, scrolling through his phone, while I'm fighting the urge to run away and leave this place for good.

But I can't.

I promised Jen and her Bambi eyes. 

So there's nothing for me to do, except -

Once again in my life, I thank myself for being antiquated book nerd.

I still have Sense and Sensibility in my bag from earlier when I met up with Namjoon. 

I'm saved.

With an internal sigh of relief, I open the novel and dive into the familiar world where I left off, blocking out reality as best as I can.


It doesn't work for long though.

I'm only six pages in when Hoseok loudly enters the room - which almost makes me drop my book - and decides to strike up a conversation to brighten the mood.

"Hey Y/N", he turns to me with a contemplating expression on his face, "I was just did you and Jen actually become friends? I mean you're really different, so I was wondering if there is some kind of story behind it."

I know he doesn't wanna be nosy on purpose, it's just the way he is...but still. 

That's the first thing he came up with? 

Does he know no personal boundaries? 

We're still basically strangers, Hoseok!

"Uh...not really, to be honest. At least not an interesting one. Jen and I went to school together, and someday, our teacher made us sit next to each other. And somehow Jen stuck with me since then." 

'God knows why' I'm tempted to add, but I don't. My personal insecurities are none of these guys' business.

Hoping Hoseok's curiosity is satisfied for now, I turn back to my book. 

But he doesn't give up so easily.

"Do you have siblings?", he asks out of the blue. "I don't have any, sadly, but these guys here are like older brothers to me." He vaguely nods towards the kitchen and smiles at Yoongi who doesn't seem to care.

"I have a brother too", I reply. "Jungkook. He's two years younger than me. It's his first year here at university."

"You should bring him along sometime! I'd love to get to know him!".

Sure, Hoseok. Whatever.

I let my eyes wander back to pages. 

"Yoongi has a younger sibling too, a little sister", Hoseok continues, completely ignoring my attempts to get back to reading and instead trying to get the Mr Grumpy Vampire to participate in the conversation as well. "How is she by the way? Isn't she graduating soon?".

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