Chapter 6

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 I'm almost asleep when Jen's gentle voice cuts through the darkness.

"Hobi really is the perfect guy, isn't he?", she whispers into my ear.

We're still at the guys' house, lying in the giant double bed in the guest room. 

"He has everything I look for in a guy, he's charming, kind, funny...".

"...handsome, has rich friends", I finish her sentence, for which I earn a playful hit with Jen's pillow. It's great to spend some one-on-one time with her again. We haven't had that in a while.

"That's not why I like him! I'm not a superficial person, you know! Or why else would I be friends with you?", she giggles.

"Hey! It's enough that one guy called me average, not you too!".

"Well, I can't speak for myself, but I think he has already changed his mind about that."

"What do you mean?".

"Didn't you notice? He was looking at you the whole time during dinner!".

"Bullshit." I roll over and turn my back on Jen. "That guy can't even look his friends in the eyes when he talks to them. Why would he be looking at me?".

"I think he likes you, Y/N".

"No he doesn't."

"Yes he does. Trust me, I have a sixth sense for these things. I'm a walking love radar, and my systems are detecting STRONG signals here."

"Oh come on. Just because he pretended to be a decent person for a minute doesn't mean he's suddenly into me."

I gotta admit though, the evening took quite an unexpected turn with the sudden change in Yoongi's attitude towards me.

After he said what he said, we didn't become friends or anything, but it still relieved the tension in the room a little bit. Seokjin was the only one who barely said a word the entire time, but the rest of us kind along. 

When we were finished with dinner, Hobi (he insisted I call him that) got some board games and snacks out, and we played Monopoly until all of us except Jen went bankrupt. It was fun actually, especially the moment when Yoongi landed on three of Jen's hotels in a row. His face when he tries to suppress his anger and pretend everything's fine is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

We played for a long time, and when the game ended, it was already 2 am in the morning, so they - well, Hobi - invited me to stay the night in Jen's room.

"Don't worry, Y/N", Jen pulls me back into the present. "I'm not trying to set you up with him or anything. I know what he said at the party, and I won't forget that. You're right for not giving your heart away to just any guy who shows interest in you, even if that means you stay single for a long time. I respect you for being so persistent and staying true to your beliefs, and I admire you for it, to be honest."

"Thanks, Jen", I reply, a little bit flustered about her sudden late-night confession. "But there's not much to admire. I'm just a picky person, maybe not with food, but definitely with guys. If they don't match my taste, I'm simply not interested, not even in trying. You're lucky though. You finally found your perfect match."

"Do you really think so?".

"Jen, how many guys have I seen you with since we became friends?".

"Hm, there was Sean...and Ricky - no wait, that's an Ariana Grande song. I actually lost count."

"Right. And do you remember loving even just one of them? Like genuinely being in love, thinking about him all the time and all that cheesy romance stuff."

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