Chapter 16

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Me | 10:12 am

Jen, I think it's best we don't see each other anymore. I'm leaving this town in a few hours, and I'm not planning on coming back anytime soon. Goodbye.

[You blocked this contact. Tap to unblock]


I read the text over and over again as a terrible suspicion is taking shape in my mind.


That's impossible.

I scroll a bit further up to read some more messages, to prove me wrong but...

I'm right.

This isn't Yoongi's account.

This is Jen's chat with Hoseok. And there's no doubt about it.

So that means...

A million thoughts start spiralling through my head, all mixed up and chaotic at first, but then one by one, they all fall into place until I can see the whole picture - and it's not a pretty one.


Later that afternoon, I'm back in my room, lying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling as if the answers to all my questions were written somewhere up there and I just have to stare long enough to find them.

Jen isn't back from her trip yet, and I'm glad she isn't.

I mean, what am I supposed to tell her?

That Hobi isn't a bad guy after all, that Yoongi took over his account and broke up with her, that she can go back to dating him now as if nothing happened? Now that she already went through the entire breakup and is finally on her way to recovery?

Curse my curiosity. 

This solved nothing, it only made everything more complicated. 

But what now?

A gentle knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, and weirdly, the first person I think of is Namjoon. I really wish he was here right now. He'd know exactly what to do.

But life's not a wish-granting factory.

And so I sit up on the bed, smooth out the blanket and put on a neutral expression to face the only person that could be knocking at my door right now.

"Come in."


His face is tense and his eyes are glued to the floor as he stands in the middle of my room, not saying a single word.

What the hell does he want from me?

I can see that he's trying to form a sentence in his mind but he doesn't seem to find the right words, and so the situation just continues to grow more awkward.

"I tried, but I can't do this any longer", he suddenly blurts out after an eternity, eyes still glued to the floor as if his life depended on it.

"Do what?".

Avoiding me? Being mad at me for telling you the truth? Sabotaging your friends?

There are so many things I hate him for right now that it takes everything in me not to lash out against him.

"Hide my feelings for you."



I search his face, looking for a sign that this is just another one of his cruel jokes and schemes but there are none. Just his flushed cheeks, his crimson ears and his eyes avoiding mine.

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