Chapter 4

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The rest of February flies by like an arrow.

With the semester in full swing, I barely get to worry about anything else than course work and reading lists.

Jen has been busy too, although with something quite different.

She and Hoseok have been practically inseparable ever since they met at the party, spending almost every day together and doing all kinds of fun activities I didn't even know this town has to offer, from karaoke bars to escape rooms (although that last one was quite a disaster, as Jen told me. Hoseok seems to be a big scaredy-cat).

Being the great friend she, she often invited me to come along with them, but I always declined.

I know that Jen really means it when she says that her friends are still and will always be equally important as her lovers, but I still don't wanna spoil their blossoming relationship by tagging along as a third wheel. Not now that she has finally found someone she genuinely likes.

With Jen not being available as often, I'm spending more and more time with Namjoon instead. He has become a valuable friend over the last few weeks and even though we're both really busy with our studies, he always makes time for me when I ask him for a meet-up.

Just like today.

We're sitting in a comfortable booth at the 'Haven', watching the rain patter against the window pane and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. 

With Namjoon, I quickly found out that it's okay to just spend time together in silence without it being uncomfortable, so that's what we do most of the times we meet. We just quietly read our assigned course literature, he his art books and I my novels. From time to time, when we both look up from our books at the same time, we exchange a few words, but mostly it's just silence. Comfortable, cozy silence.

Until my phone lights up and vibrates with an incoming call.

It's Jen.

"Hey Jen, how are you? It's good to hear from you again!", I answer the call, walking away from the table not to disturb Namjoon while he works.

"Y/N?? Is that you??".

This is not Jen's voice.

It's a man's, and he seems upset.

"Hoseok? Is there something wrong with Jen? Why are you calling from her phone?".

The sobs on the other end of the line get me worried.

"Hoseok, what happened? Did something happen to Jen??".

"Y/N...I'm so sorry...Jen is..."


"...Jen is sick."

Oh no. That sounds serious. If it wasn't, why would he call me from her phone?

"What? What's wrong with her??".

"It's my fault, Y/N!". More sobbing. "We...wanted to watch a movie at my place was raining and...she got wet and now...she caught a cold."

"Hold on second...THAT'S it?! I thought she was dying or something!".


Another sob, then a muffled voice in the background.

"Come on Hoba, snap out of it. Tell her why you called and get on with it."

"What do you need, Hoseok?", I gently ask him. "Can I do something for Jen?".

"Actually...yes. She's still at my place and I think she should stay there until she feels better. It's no problem at all, we have enough rooms and food and medicine...we're just not really equipped for a girl staying over, so... Do you think you could maybe get her things, clothes and toiletries and stuff and bring it over? I just don't want her to miss anything while she's here."

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