Chapter 7

96 13 2

After the Gucci Boy incident, the rest of the week passes relatively calmly, except for Hobi's party invitations.

I knew I would be invited to Yoongi's birthday - even though I know about 278 things I'd rather be doing instead - so I am not surprised when I finally find the invitation card in my mailbox one morning. What puzzles me a little is its content:

Hobi writes that it's gonna be a rather small party and that he invited only a few people (so he really is making an effort to please Yoongi, huh?), but each of those people must bring someone else so it doesn't get boring (nevermind). The dress code is 'elegant and simple'. 

Oh boy. 

That's gonna require some thinking.

I can't bring Jen, can I? I guess that would be cheating. But who else am I supposed to ask? I barely know anyone besides -


I still didn't text him back after his last kind message, I completely forgot. But now's the time to make it up to him.

I turn on my phone, only to see -


14 messages from Kookie



What is it this time?

I know 14 missed messages would make some, probably most people a little bit concerned, but that doesn't apply to me and my little brother. On the contrary: If Jungkook doesn't at least triple-text, I'd suppose something is seriously wrong with him. 

Already a little bit pre-annoyed, I open the messenger.


Kookie | 7:01


Why is he even up so early?

Okay whatever, let's see what he wants.


Kookie | 7:01


Kookie | 7:01


Kookie | 7:01

pls wake upp

Kookie | 7:01

I need your help

Kookie | 7:02

DiNg DoNg

Kookie | 7:02

earth to Y/NNNN

Kookie | 7:06

oh come on Y/N

Kookie | 7:06

don't ignore me

Kookie | 7:08


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