Chapter 25

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It's been a while since I've seen myself with my hair down and makeup on, I think as I check my looks in the mirror. About ten months to be precise.

Ten months since I went to Yoongi's birthday party in the same black dress that I'm wearing today.

Ten months since we got locked into a dark closet together.

Ten months since I saw the real Yoongi for the first time, the one who has a gentle heart and a shy little smile.

A lot of things have changed since then, and as I look at myself in the mirror, I realise that I have changed too, although it's barely visible on the outside - it's how I feel.

A loud knock rips me out of my daydreams.

"I'm heeere", Jen sings from outside the door, waiting for me to open. "Are you ready?".

I take one last look in the mirror before I turn to go.

"Ready", I say as open the door.


To my surprise, Jen and I are not the first people to arrive at Yoongi's house for the Christmas party - on the contrary.

As Hobi comes up to greet us, I let my gaze wander around the room to realise that everyone I know is already here. There's Namjoon talking to Jungkook by the buffet while my little brother is piling up various Christmas foods on his plate (the insatiable hunger runs in the family), then there are Jen's friend Charlie and our beloved Gucci Boy, laughing about some inside joke only they understand. 

And then there is Yoongi, watching it all from his favourite grandpa armchair with a whiskey glass in his hand and a restless look on his face.

His expression softens once our eyes meet. He waves at me, smiling, and I give a little wave back.

"Seems like someone has become friends after all", Hobi says with a meaningful expression, following my gaze. "Who'd have thought."

He isn't wrong though.

Yoongi and I have become something like friends after our chance encounter in the rain. We started talking to each other that day, and after that, we've never really stopped. The chat that once only contained his voice message is now filled with replies back and forth, answers and questions.

"Anyway, I'm glad you're all here now", Hobi continues, his smile full of excitement. "Since we're complete now, let's get this party started!".

"Is Seokjin not here today?", I ask him after realising he's missing.

"He already left for the holidays", Hobi explains, "so sadly he'll be missing the greatest party of the year. But that also means" - he conspiratorially leans over to me and Jen, whispering - "there's no curfew today! So let's PARTY!!!".


One thing the past year hasn't changed is that I'm still not a huge party person, to say the least. Even though I definitely know more people now, I still mostly keep to myself and the buffet, which honestly isn't the worst thing to do - the Christmas cookies are DELICIOUS.

"No brownies this time?", Namjoon teases me as he steps beside me to fill his plate up with turkey and stuffing.

"Not when there's gingerbread cats, I mean look at this!", I show him my findings. "I didn't know you could buy these anywhere in this town!".

"That's probably because -"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence as in this moment, the doorbell rings.

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