Chapter 15

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The conversation with Yoongi keeps me thinking the entire rest of the day and continues to plague me all through the night, not allowing me to fall asleep.

I toss and turn while I'm trying to wrap my head around the things he said and the way he behaved.

Like why did he show this honest and vulnerable side of him all of a sudden, the one I only caught a glimpse of when we were locked in that closet at his party?

And why did he even care telling me all these things about himself, trying to make me sympathise with him?

It seemed like he wanted to make me understand him better but...


Why would that be of any importance to him?

We're only spending two weeks together in this house and then it's goodbye, hopefully forever.

Is he...trying to find a way for us to get along?


Maybe I was too harsh on him.


The next morning I wake up with a terrible headache.

That doesn't come as a surprise though, considering I was tossing and turning until well after midnight only to fall into a restless sleep that leaves me tired and groggy.

With a sigh, I roll over again to get some more sleep when it suddenly dawns on me: 

Jen wanted to go on a bike tour today - and I promised her to come. 

I quickly grab my phone to check the time.


And some notifications.


4 messages from Jungkook


I'll deal with that later.

It's 9:15, and Jen told me she wanted to leave early!

In a hurry, I wash down a painkiller with some water from the bottle on my nightstand and rush down the stairs to the living room.

Which I find completely empty.

No Jen, no anyone else (thank god), only a croissant on a plate next to a glass of fresh orange juice under which someone tucked a quickly scribbled note.


Hey sleeping beauty,

hope you recovered from our crazy shopping adventure lol

Charlie, Tae and I are leaving for our bike tour, but don't worry about it, I saw how tired you were yesterday and decided to let you sleep in :)

Have a fun day! We'll be back around dinner time.

Lots of hugs, Jen 


Oh Jen.

Just when I wasn't sure what to do to keep my promise, she read my thoughts once again and anticipated everything.

With a sigh of relief I plop into the chair and start munching down on my croissant while I open my phone to read the messages from my brother.


Jungkook | 7:02 am


Jungkook | 7:03 am

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