Chapter 14

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Have you ever had your best friend going through a breakup?

Because if not, let me tell you one thing:

It's exhausting.

But not how you'd probably think.

Jen doesn't lie around crying all day, venting her feelings to me to forget the boy who's name we've erased from our vocabulary -

She does the exact opposite.

Ever since we've set foot into Mr Gucci Boy's holiday mansion she has been drowning herself in activities and distractions which, to be fair, seems to be working quite well for her. 

For me it's an entirely different story though.

As you can probably tell, I'm not exactly the most outdoorsy person. Not at all. A nice walk to clear my head once in while, alright. But Jen's holiday schedule? Waaay out of my comfort zone. 

But I don't have much of a choice.

For one thing, she's my best friend and we came here to spend time together, and what kind of a best friend would I be if I just sat around in my room all day?

But there's another reason why I can't stay in the house, and that one weighs even heavier:

I'm never alone there.

Ever since Seokjin and Yoongi arrived yesterday they've been all over the place. When I wanted to read in the living room, Yoongi was already there. When I came down to make myself a sandwich - you guessed it, Seokjin was there first, preparing his lobster. I can't explain it. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without running into one of them.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not spoiled. I know it's not unlikely for people to run into each other when six of them live together, no matter how big the house. I wouldn't even mind it that much...if it wasn't for their looks. 

I always felt their eyes on me, wherever I went. Yoongi's especially. That cold stare that pierces right into your soul. As if he was saying: 'What are you even doing? You don't belong here.'

And that's how I decided to join Jen and Charlie on their shopping trip.


Which turned out to be a terrible decision.

Three hours later, I'm sweating as if I'd just finished a marathon, panting heavily as I carry my share of shopping bags up to the beach house.

Of course Jen and Charlie wouldn't just let me accompany them without buying anything. In fact, the more I resisted, the more they went looking for pieces that would suit me, and so I ended up buying beach dress after beach dress, if only to please my shopping-crazy companions. 

"See you later at the beach", Jen reminds me with a cheerful smile. She doesn't seem to be exhausted at all. "You'll look SO cute in that orange wrap skirt we found for you. I bet even Yoongi won't be able to keep his eyes off you."


She giggles.

"I know, he can't keep his eyes off you already. With or without the new skirt."

I just answer with a sarcastic eye-roll before we part ways to get to our separate rooms. 

I don't even want to think about Yoongi right now. All I need is some precious time alone with my book.


Why didn't I find this earlier?

There's a boat house just a few steps away from the mansion, but it's hidden in the dunes and the tall grass that surrounds it. 

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