Chapter 19

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Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I'd have dinner with the man who I thought was my sworn enemy just a few days ago.

But here he is, sitting right across the kitchen table with a generous plate of pasta in front him and his hair falling into his face and suddenly he doesn't look so scary anymore. He just looks like a normal person. 

"Do you like it?", Yoonji catches me off guard. "The food", she adds, giggling at my bewilderment.

"It's delicious", I quickly answer. "Thank you."

"Yoongi is a great cook, isn't he?", she smiles, looking back and forth between him and me.

"Yoonji", he scolds her with a stern tone in his voice and a gentle expression in his eyes. "Y/N has done enough for you today. Let her eat in peace at least."

"Fiiine", Yoonji sighs and turns away from her brother to face me. "But I can still play the piano for you later, right?".


"Uh...sure, if you want to?", I answer her question, dismissing Yoongi's comment.

"OKAY! I'll go prepare everything, alright? You can come in five minutes!", she beams at me, already jumping up from the table and running out the kitchen door.

"But don't stay up too late today!", Yoongi shouts after her. "Remember you've got a big day ahead of you!".

But she's already gone, leaving her brother and me alone at the kitchen table.

"A big day?", I ask him out of curiosity.

"Her audition for the music school she wants to get into. She's been practising day and night for this. I really hope everything goes well for her tomorrow after what happened..." 

The gentle smile from earlier has made way for a worried frown. 

"Oh, you mean with these stupid boys? Yeah, she was really shocked at first, understandably so. But it looks like she's better now, right?", I try to calm his mind.

"Yeah, I guess...if only they hadn't taken her bag with them..."

"What do you mean? What was in there?".

Yoonji's face appears before my inner eye again, the way she cried her heart out even when the rowdies were already gone.

"Her sheet music."

"Can't you just print out another copy?", I ask, risking to look stupid with such a simple question. But Yoongi doesn't call me out for it like he usually would have done. He doesn't even look at me.

"Of course", he just answers heavily, "but Yoonji knows the piece by heart anyway. It's not the sheet music that's important but what's written on it. When my sister was attacked, she was on her way home from her last piano lesson before the audition. All the things she went over with her teacher, all the notes they made - they're all on these piano sheets. It's as if she had lost all her study notes the day before the final exam. They're irreplaceable."


So this is why she was so upset. It all makes sense now.

"I'm so sorry about that...If I had known what was in the bag...I wouldn't have let them get away..."

"No." There's a sincerity in his eyes that I wouldn't have expected as he looks right into mine. "Don't blame this on yourself, Y/N. You have done more than I could ever thank you for. You saved my sister."

I'm tempted to play it down again as I don't like being the centre of attention like that, but I know he's serious because I know why. I know how much he loves his sister. I know how much he wants to protects her. 

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