chapter 8 |the scouts|

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Udos POV

The first attack was a success was one that will still haunt me....

I walked around our base and saw people tied up and were crying.....

I looked down....we never really had a chance to fight inside civilizations....the warriors have but....not me and my friends....

I saw a little girl crying and some men picking on was our soldiers....

She held onto her teddy bear as she was kicked around....

I clenched my fists and walked over to the men.

"Excuse me gentlemen but we were ordered to go meet up with the rest of the soldiers...." I said sternly.

They tched at me "shut up kid we know, just having a little fun"

"I would listen to our commander because he certainly doesn't like slackers unless you want to be on the Frontline getting shot of course"

They frowned and walked away....I looked at the little girl who was clutching her stomach.

I made sure no one was around so picked her up but she started screaming and squirming in my arms.

I covered her mouth "I'm not going to hurt you....I promise"

She nods and I let go of her mouth and walked her to an area where no could see us.

I sigh and began treating her wounds by wrapping her open leg wound, and putting ointment on her bruises.

"There you go...."

She looked at me "w-why?...."


"Why are you attacking us.....I don't understand what we did wrong...."

I frown and sigh "at your age you wouldn't understand...."

She cried "my papa was killed by monsters!"

I looked at her "what?"

"B-big monsters....ate him.....and my mama saved me by running away....."


I sigh and stand up "go join the rest of your kind....before those men come back"

She looked at me then looked down and walked away....

I couldn't like these devil's ...not after what they have done to us....

I walked back with the others and Gabi falco hugged me.

"Ready to attack?"


Gabi grins "we leave in a few minutes"


Falco nods "yeah the commander said so"

I nod "ok then"

We start walking to the soldiers and prepared for our next attack....


It was still the same sqauds as before and as the first time we reached another huge wall.....

I looked around and there was forests around us....

Like the first attack cannons started firing at us but this time something was off....

"Hey is just me or there is not as much cannons firing at us like last battle?" Falco asked me.

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