Chapter 24 |locked up|

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Levi's POV

"Dad please let us go!"

I shook my head "no" as I continued putting on my gear.

"Mr Levi, we have been in battle before! We can do this" Udo looked at falco and nodded.

I shook my head again "no, and that's final"

Gabi pushed past udo she was angry....oh boy "listen here old man!" Old man?....."If you haven't heard but I'm going to posses the armor titan after Reiner, we are all prepared for war because we went through hard training just to fight! So let us help!"

I stood up and glared them down....

"You ALL are going to stay here where it's safe, we can't risking any of you dying in battle, if any of you get hurt guess who Marleys gonna point the fingers! So you will stay here where it's safe.....end of discussion" I clipped on my scouts cape and walked out the room locking the door.

Hanji walked up to me "how did it go?...."

I sigh "they aren't too happy about it"

She sighs "well we can't afford loosing them, and besides they don't know how to use ODM gear.... They'll just be a liability"

I nod "I know"

She grabs my hand "we should head over to Erwin....everyone's ready"

We start walking and I stopped us in our tracks

Hanji looked at me "what are you doing?"

I kissed her passionately which surprised her "don't die on me four eyes"

She smiles "I won't midget"

We continued walking....this is going to be a long battle.

Udos POV

"Your dads a douche" gabi sighed out.

I frown "we need to get out of here"

"How?" Zofia asked.

I walked over to the window and I saw the scouts take off....we should be helping them....

I sigh and plopped down on the bed I thought about mom and dad....I hope they will be ok....I can't loose them.

"Udo?" I looked up and saw my friends looking at me worriedly.

Then gabi looks at us like she has an idea.

"What's going through your head gabi?" Falco asked.

She grins at me "Um hello? Did we forget Udo is half ACKERMAN?"

I raise an eyebrow "why does that matter?"

"Why does that mat-" she sighs "Udo your dad is insanely strong! And look at mikasa! Remember Hanji told us he could break down doors with ease!"

I do remember mom telling us those stories...."What makes you think I c-"

"Your dad is LEVI ACKERMAN! the one person everyone fears! If anyone can break us out it's you!" Gabi smiled.

I look at falco and he nods "gabi has a point"

I sigh and Stand up walking to the door.

"You got this Udo" my friends said as I just stared at the door.

I take a deep breath "alright here goes nothing"

I take a few steps back before I started running as fast as I could to the door. As I rammed into the door it flew open and I collapsed on the ground.

I look back at my friends "heh heh I did it-"

"What are you doing Udo?"

I look up and see Annie was holding the door open.

"Y-you opened the door?!"

She nods and I sigh....I thought I broke it open....

"Why aren't you with the scouts?" I asked standing up dusting off my clothes.

She sighs "the majority of them still don't trust me so commander Erwin suggested I stayed back with you guys"

We all look at eachother and I sigh "we need to help them....Annie what if something happens to my parents-"

"You underestimate captain Levi and section commander Hanji's skills, they will be's Reiner and them I'm worried about"

"We need to stop them..." I sigh.

Annie flicks my head "Udo you need to remember something....we aren't marlyans....we're eldians just like everyone in paradise we need to help everyone realize that Marley is the real enemy and not paradise....we need to stop EVERYONE including the scouts...."

I nod "thats gonna be a hard task...."

"Got any better ideas?"

I shook my head "not at the moment"

She nods "good, because we need to get out of here before a scout notices we're gone"

We all run out of the room and follow Annie "wait one more stop"

We continued following her until we reached a room full of ODM gear.

"Grab some gear you'll need it"

"W-we don't know how to use it!" I looked at the gear in my hands.

She glared at me "do you guys have good balance?" We all nod.

"Then you'll be fine"

She looks at us holding the gear "now repeat what I do"

This is a bad idea....

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