Chapter 25 |the final battle|

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Levis POV

We stood at the wall entrance...ready to charge Erwin was waiting for the perfect moment.

The gates start to open and that meant that the enemy was close...luckily we were able to evacuate the citizens that lived right outside the wall.

Once the gate was finally open Erwin raised his arm In the air holding his sword.

"CHARGE!" He finally yelled as we took off....the battle has begun.

As we rode we saw faint moving objects...must be them.

Then two flashes of lightning appeared...titans.

I looked back at eren "don't transform unless your life completely depends on it"

He nods "yes sir!"

"Everyone protect eren at all costs and also don't fucking die"

We saw a titan on all four running up to us I tch "Erwin it's that titan bastard with all the guns"

"Split up! Make it harder for the titan to shoot you!" Erwin yelled.

We all began to split up as the titan closed in on us, I glanced over at Hanji and her squad as she pulled her swords out ready to fight.

I sigh and pull out my swords, when we got close enough the titan started shooting at us. I watched some of our soldiers get hit....they won't die for nothing.

I shot my ODM gear towards the titan and I saw them aim at me but I flew down under the titan and sliced two of its ankles. I need to prevent this thing from moving.

I shot away from the titan as I saw Hanjis group fly into the air, they had thunder spears...

They shot the thunder spears at the weapons and blew up the guns, that's one down.

"Captain look out!"

I turn around and see the jaw titan in the air about to swing at did I not hear it coming.

I quickly dodged its hand and flew over its head...I have a clear shot at its nape....

I saw a bullet fly past my face I turned and saw Marley soldiers shooting at us. I tched and started avoiding the bullets...there goes my chance.

The scouts started attacking the soldiers and some used thunder spears to blow up large groups of the enemy.

My new concern was the jaw titan.

Mikasa flew over to me "captain let us help you"

I look back and see Armin and eren behind her, I nod "help me take out the jaw titan"

It stared at us and roared we shot our ODM and dodged all of its attacks.

It tried to grab me but I sliced up his hand down his arm. "Prevent it from healing!"

It jumped back then I saw armin and eren go for it's ankles.

I shot towards its face mikasa followed behind, it used its remaining hand to swing at us but we spilt apart I went straight for its eyes and mikasa went for the nape while armin and eren got its ankles.

I watched her slice the nape as a man came out yelling.

We all pointed our swords at him and he just glares at us.

"Captian zeke want are strong" he sneers.

I tch "and you're weak"

He laughs "let's see if your strength can handle what's coming"

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