chapter 15 |apology|

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Udos POV

I walked through the hallways until I found the room me and my friends were staying in....

"Are you going in?" I turn and see zofia crossing her arms at me.

I nod "is he in there?"

She nods "Gabi is with him right now....I think its best you apologise....after all it is falco and he is one of the forgive and forget type, your real problem is Gabi"

"Is she upset?"

Zofia nods "yep"

I sigh "thanks zofia...."

She nods "anytime"

I walk in and see falco on the bed sitting next to Gabi.

Gabi turns her head and glares at me.....

"What do you want Udo....."

I sigh "I want to falco...."

She stands up and walks up to me "if you dare to lay another finger on him.....I will destroy you on the spot"

I nod "I won't...."

She walks off and I sit next to falco who just stared at the ground....

It was just akward silence.....

"Sorry about....Gabi you know how she gets...." Falco finally said.

I nod "yeah....she can be pretty scary sometimes...."

Falco nods and again.... akward silence....

I finally decided to fess up first...."falco....I'm sorry about earlier....I wasn't myself at that moment...."

He looks at me and sighs "I figured....I've never seen you act like that...."

I nod "I was filled up by hatred and fear that I lost who I really was in the inside....."

Falco nods "we were worried about you Udo.... especially zofia...."

My eyes widened slightly "really?"

He nods "yeah....we never really seen that side of you...."

I frown "I'm sorry you had to experience it...."

He shrugs "I kinda saw it coming....just by your actions"

I nod "about my actions....falco I want you guys to forget about my plan...."

His eyes widened "what? Why all of a sudden?"

I sigh "Because falco....these people aren't bad people.....they never really were....well not to us....they had no idea we even existed.....they suffered more than we have....and it made me realize....that they aren't the devil's.....we are....."

Falco nods "if I'm being honest....I realized that awhile ago.....when I really got to know Eren Yeager Ive learned that he isn't evil....he's just in pain.....he lost his mother to the Titans and was laid a heavy burden on him by his father....."

I nod "he isn't the only one.....a lot of people lost their families....their loved ones to the Titans....or by bad people...."

Falco nods "Udo....they don't deserve all this damage we brung upon was wondering-"

"If we could come up with a resolution for Marley and paradis?" I finished off his sentence.

He nods "y-yeah?" He said kinda surprised.

I nod "I agree with you....if anything I just want this war to people can stop dying......and besides I feel like my parents would agree as well"

Falco smiles and nods "yeah....they would....also that brought up another thing I need to tell you"

I lifted an eyebrow "and what's that?"

"I don't know why but....hanji really reminds me of you"


He nods "yeah....but It could be just that you both have a similar personality"

I nod "most likely...."

I sigh...."it's kinda weird honestly...."

He lifts an eyebrow "what is?"

"Well.....hanji and Levi have both said I look like their old son...."

"They have a son?"

I shake my head "well....not have...they had a child....but he was taken on the day he was born....."

He nods "did they ever find him?"

I shake my head "no.....they assumed he was dead after a few months....."

Falco frowns "that's terrible...."

I nod " makes me think that these people....have had it way worse than we have....."

Falco nods "you're right on that....."

I sigh "that's why we need to help them...."

He nods "agreed"

We heard knocking on the door "oi, are y'all done yet?" Gabi said on the other side.

I laugh softly "yeah we made up, you can come in"

Zofia and Gabi walk in and Gabi crosses her arms "glad to see you came to your senses Udo"

I rub my neck sheepishly "yeah....sorry about that"

Gabi shrugs "we all get driven mad at some point in our lives"

I sigh "I guess so...."

"Also the party starts in an hour and we are still invited, so I think it would be appropriate to attend" zofia says.

I nod "yeah but....we don't really have any nice clothes"

Gabi sighs "the scouts will be taking care of that, me and zofia are going to see Mikasa and Sasha while you and falco will be seeing jean, Armin and eren"

I smile softly "wow Gabi I'm kinda surprised you agreed to go to this party"

She frowns "shut up Udo, zofia convinced me"

I laugh "well I think we should get going"

We all nod and I see Gabi and zofia walk the opposite direction of me and falco.

I sigh....I had so many thoughts going through my head at the moment.... mostly thinking about if I would ever see Annie again....

Long lost son...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt