chapter 9 |captured|

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Udos POV

Reiner started charging at the scouts and the woman named hanji yipped her horse and left solder remained guarding us.

I still had my weapon and he wasn't paying attention so I pulled out my gun and shot him injuring him.

I knew how this attack worked and we had to leave the battlefield.....

"Let's go!" I yelled and falco followed me.

We started running as fast as we could to the big trees.

I turned my head and saw Eren attack reiner.....

Please everyone....we need to win....

We reached the trees and kept one seemed to spot us since the main focus was on reiner and the blimps.

We heard loud lightning must be zekes attack....

We were deep in the forest barely even able to hear the fight far from us....

Me and falco tore apart our uniforms and began putting the parts of our uniforms on Gabi and zofias wounds so they didn't get infected.

Falco sighs as we both sat down.... "What now?"

I sigh "we wait....we aren't in any condition to fight...."

I pulled my cravat from my pocket and squeezed it tightly....

"What are you doing?" Falco asked.

"For good luck...."

He nods and we just sat in much has happened.....


We kept waiting.....if we won someone would search the forest for either the enemies or for survivors....

It was getting dark so me and falco prepared a fire....

When we were sitting at the fire Gabi and zofia began groaning and slowly sat up.

"Gabi!, Zofia!" Me and falco yelled.

"What happened...." Gabi asked.

"The enemy has the colossal Titan and they used it against our men.... killing a lot of people near the guys are lucky to survive..." I explained

"Where are we now?" Zofia asked.

"In a and Udo took you guys away from the fight....right now we are just waiting...." Falco said.

They nod and we sat at the fire in silence....

"Did the Titan shifters die?" Gabi asked.

I shake my head "I didn't see them get consumed when we escaped but right now?.....I don't know"

She nods and we return to utter silence...

"Thanks you guys..." Gabi said.

Me and falco nod and we slowly began talking amongst eachother avoiding the silence....

I put out the fire and we all went to sleep....


I wake up to a weird sound in the air...I listen for a second and my eyes widened it was the scouts!

I start shaking everyone up "guys it's the scouts we need to go!"

Everyone quickly woke up and looked around and heard the same sounds but it was too late.

Two soldiers flew in front of us "hey we found them alert captain Levi"

I grit my teeth as they approached us I looked at my friends then at the soldiers "EVERYONE GO!"

we all took off different directions and started running deeper into the forest.

"H-hey come back here!"

I was worried for my friends but I believe in them, I heard a flare shoot into the sky and I knew it was them notifying the others.

I ran and hid behind a tree to catch my wasn't long until I heard the familiar sound...I stayed quiet and hid in a bush as I saw a man fly to the ground...he wasn't actually tall but he looked strong.

I hear him tch "where is that stupid brat"

I watch him look around and paused for a second to listen for any of my movement.

He sighs "damn...I lost him"

I watch him turn around and shoot some grapplers into some trees and flew off.....stupid devil.

I waited a few minutes before I exited out of the bush and sighed...I hope my friends are ok....

I began walking and decided I should go see if any of them are near...I had to be careful.

I heard a faint sound of twigs snapping and I immediately looked all happened too fast.

I saw the same man flying straight down and knocked me off my feet sending me flying....he's fast....

I see him gently land on the ground as walked up to me "I knew exactly where you were kid....and you fell right in my trap"

I stand up clutching my side where he kicked me "cheap move for a to be expected"

He just tchs as he kept approaching me I grit my teeth and held up my hands to fight him.

He stops and sighs "really?"

"I'm not going down without a fight!"

He just stares at me "do you really want to do this? A boy vs a grown man?"

"Don't mock me! I'm stronger than I look" I grin.

He sighs and walks up to me "alright then show me what you got..." as he said that he glared at me.

When he got close enough I went to punch his face....he stepped out of the way and punched me in the face where I ended up on the ground again.

"Too slow" he sighed.

I felt my cheek sting and I got up and charged at him again.

He tched and punched me in the stomach then I felt my hair pull and I was greeted by a knee in the face....I couldn't keep up.

It was hit after hit....after hit....until I was on the ground again and I was ashamed to say it but....I couldn't get back up...

He sighs "pain is the only way to discipline someone...."

My vision got blurry and he sighs "don't die on me brat"

Next thing I knew I was gone....I'm sorry everyone....I failed.

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