Chapter 27 |ending|

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6 years later

Levis POV

Me and Udo were on our way to the court room to settle things with Marley. After a few more years of fighting we helped the Eldians in Marley realize that we aren't devils and we're just people trying to survive....the real enemy was the Marley people treating Eldians like scums.

We managed to make Marley finally agree to have peace with wasn't easy but we managed to do the war can finally end and paradise can finally have their freedom back.

"H-how do I look?" Udo broke me out of my thoughts as he was fixing his hair.

I sigh "you like fine Udo"

He sighs and began to fix his tie and everything and I just tch "leave it alone you're fine"

"A-are you sure"

I nod and he finally stops when we reached the door. I looked at him and frowned....he grew so damn tall.

"Ready dad?" He smiles....his smile will always remind me of Hanji.

I nod "yep...let's end this war"


After signing some papers with Erwin, historia shook hands with leader of marley to ensure the war has ended.

There was some cheers after and everyone began to talk amongst another.

I began to talk with Erwin since Udo was talking with other people.

Erwin sighs "I'm sad to see Hanji isn't here to do this with us"

I frown "she's been in bed all day....she is close to having birth to our third child so I wanted to make sure she has a good amount of rest"

Erwin smiles "I'm happy for you both, never really saw you to be a father Levi"

"I didn't either"

Erwin chuckles "well so far you and Hanji have done a great job being parents, look at Udo he's pretty much a spitting image of you both"

I grin "yeah he is"

The doors than blast open and see moblit standing there out of breath....he was with Hanji while I was gone....something must of happened.

I immediately ran over to him "what's wrong? Is Hanji alright!"

"S-she's....she's" he said catching his breath.

"She's what!?"

He took a deep breath "she's in labor sir!"

My eyes widened and I turn to Udo who nodded "take us to her"

Me and Udo immediately started running with moblit.

Udo started panicking "do you think she's alright!"

I sigh "she's Hanji, she's fine"

We continued running until we reached the hospital, Annie and armin were there with Lilly, Me and Hanjis 5 year old daughter.

"Daddy!" She ran up to me and I picked her up kissing her cheek.

"Will mommy be ok" she cried.

I pat her head "mommy will be ok"

"Are you Mr Ackerman?" I look up to a nurse and nod.

"Follow me, your wife is very eager to see you"

I nod "ok" I put Lilly down and pat her head "stay with your older brother, I'll be back with mommy and your new sibling"

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