Chapter 22 |its been so long...|

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Udos POV

After the trial we took Annie to the castle where everyone had to explain her the situation we were In.

She was still confused and I could tell she still didn't want to trust any of the scouts...

I looked at Annie and she was looking down as gabi tried to cheer her up.

"Hey can I talk alone....with Annie?" I asked

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, before leaving the room.

When they left there was just silence filling the room....

She sighs "I don't get it....why?"

I scoot over to her and sigh "we didn't have a choice in the end...."

She looks at me and touches my cheek "you've grown...all of you have"

I smile and push her hand away "yeah we kinda matured...."

She sighs "I'm sorry I didn't come back....I really's father?"

"He's worried about you....he may not of shown it but he was definitely worried for you"

She sighs "I miss him..."

I frown "me too"

She looks around "so our plan is try to stop Reiner and them?"

I nod "it's still a work in progress but I believe we can do it...."

She nods and it was again quiet....

"How have you been Udo?"

I should probably tell her....since she's going to find out eventually.

"I've been alright....I found our something recently that I'm pretty happy about"

She looks at me "and what's that?"

I smile "I found out my parents are alive...."

Her eyes widened "really!?, who are they?"

I frown "you may not like them...."

She starts to get quiet having an idea of where I was going.

"It's Levi and Hanji....they're my parents"

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped "w-what?"

I nod "we aren't completely positive but I know deep down they are....I really hope they are...."

She nods and sighs "I'm happy for you Udo...."

She looks at me with a weak smile "if I really think about it....yeah you look a lot like them"

I smile "they are nice people Annie...."

She lifts an eyebrow "even captain Levi?"

I nod "deep down he is...he may not show it on the outside but deep down he's a nice person he's just....been through a lot"

She looks down "I caused a lot of pain for both of them...."


She tchs "I murdered his squad like it was nothing....I killed them to get eren but....I still failed....I killed hundreds of soldiers that still haunts me"

"Annie you can't keep blaming yourself"

She glared at me "who else is there to blame Udo! Marley!? Paradise!? No! I was the one who killed them! Me!...."

She settles down and sighs "there is no one else blame besides me...."

I frown "I blame were forced to go on that mission Annie....all of you had no choice but to follow orders even if it meant killing people on the way"


I tch "bertholdt was the reason hundreds of INNOCENT people died including erens mom! So was Reiner! You killed soldiers, they knew what was at stake....but not the innocent people....they had no bertholdt and marcel are dead while Reiner is all messed up by this mission....Marley is to blame for you and paradises pain"

She stays quiet and nods before I sigh "Jeez I've never yelled at you before"

She laughs softly "probably because you were always scared of much you have changed since then...."

"I've gotten stronger"

She hits my shoulder "I wouldn't say that, but you have gotten a little more serious"

I sigh "well I just want this war to end....I want us to be free....Everyone has already been through a lot"

She nods "I agree....I just want to see father again...."

I stand up and start leaving the room "then let's go end this war" I grin.

She nods and we both leave the room to go consult with everyone else.

Long lost son...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora