chapter 13 |fight|

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Udos POV

Its been two weeks and everyday I've been waiting for a sign of the marlyans....but so far nothing....

My friends have been getting along with everyone else and I won't lie....they are pretty friendly....

"Hey udo!"

I turn to see falco running up to me.

"Hey falco"

He smiles "did you hear what's happening tonight?"

I shake my head "no?"

"The scouts are planning a party tonight and we are invited!"

I sigh "that's cool...."

He frowns "your still waiting for them aren't you...."

"Yeah...aren't you as well?"

He shrugs "I mean yeah but at the same time we have began to think that they aren't coming back for awhile...."

"We? Who's we?"

He sighs "me, gabi and zofia"

My eyes widened I understood zofia but gabi too?


He nods "sorry udo...."

I grab the collar of his shirt "how could you!"

His eyes widened "h-hey calm down udo"

I glare at him "how could you betray your own country! Your own home!"

"I never betrayed anyone!"

"You just did! By taking the scouts side!"

He sighs "that's not what I meant udo...."

"Then what did you mean falco...." I said with venom in my voice.

"Look udo if you would actually give them a chance you would understand they have been through hell and seen what the titans can do!....what would you think if the titans turned on us!....I just want this war to end many of our comrades are being put in danger or killed.....if you really think about it udo....war is's just people killing each other for no reason....."

I sigh and let go of his collar "you've gone mad....all of you have...."

"Udo-" I punch falco in the face knocking him back.

He frowns and gets up charging at and falco never fought would be interesting to see who wins.

He punches me in the stomach and I punch his face again then slammed his head into my knee, he fell back and I kicked him in the face....I saw blood coming from his nose as he glared at me....

"Udo....I'm starting to think...." he wipes the blood from his nose.

"You are the one who has gone mad...."

I felt a vain pop and I kicked falco again knocking him back.

I walk over and pick him off the ground glaring at him.

"When the warriors come and rescue us I'm going to leave you here with everyone else to rot....."

His eyes widened "udo...."

"Oi!" I turn my head and was greeted by someone punching me in the face making me drop falco and fall to the ground.

I look up and see levi glaring at me "what the hell has gotten into you...."

I rub nose and see it bleeding "why should I tell scum"

He sighs and I see more scouts come.... "I'm the scum? To me it looks like you are....hurting your own friend...."

I look over and see gabi and zofia looking at me shocked as they helped falco up....

My eyes widened as I realized what I have done....

I really am the one who went mad....

Levi walks over to me and bends down grabbing a fist full of my hair pulling it up making me stand.

I groan with pain as he did it, he glared at me and sighed "your going to see hanji"

I didn't say anything and he let go of my hair pulling me by the collar of my shirt....

I walk by my friends and they kept looking at me in shock....

I really did screw up....

Hanjis POV

I was working on some paperwork when I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled acknowledging them.

I see levi come in and he threw a boy in here who fell and hit the side of my was udo!

"Um levi? What did udo do?"

Levi sighs "why don't you ask him...."

With that levi closed the door and left....

I looked at udo who sat up and rubbed his head....

I cross my arms and sigh "what did you do to piss off levi?"

He doesn't say anything besides look down....

I sigh and pull him a chair "sit" I pointed at the chair and he nods sitting in it....

"Now tell me....what happened"

He glared at me "why should I tell you...."

I sigh "why not? It seems that you trust me the most-"

"Who said I ever trusted you?" He said with venom....

"Well it just seem-"

"I never trusted you....I never trusted anyone here!" His voice cracked as I saw a small tear form in the corner of his eye....

I frown.....he seemed hurt....and by the way he was acting he seemed mentally levi....


He grips his hair "it was all an act! I lied to you! And too everyone! I never trusted you or anyone here!"

I sigh "udo calm-"

"NO! Why should I calm down! Don't you get it! I hate you!"

"Well I don't hate you...."

His eyes widened "w-why not?....." his voice softened.

"Your want to be loyal to your home town but yet you are here in the enemies territory and the enemy is being nice and don't you..."

He shook his head "I don't...."

I sigh "all We ever wanted here was freedom....we never intended to hurt anyone....unless we had natural we defended our home.... we never had plans on killing anymore innocent lives....and you are still innocent udo....your a's only natural to follow what people you trust, do and say....and udo it's ok...."

He looks down...."I hurt my friend....I hurt someone I trust and now I've lost my friends what am I now?"

I sigh and walk over bending down to his level "you are a human....and humans make mistakes....all the's just something everyone has...."

He nods "what about you?...."

I smile "I have flaws too udo....I've lost many of my friends in this war just to have freedom....I've made many mistakes....but I don't let them pull me down to what I truly want....and that's freedom....freedom from within These walls...."

He nods "I see...." he looks up at me and I see tears falling down his cheek....

"I'm sorry!" He cried....

I sigh and wipe his tears away pulling him into a tight hug....

"It's ok's ok...."

Long lost son...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin