chapter 16 |party|

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Udos POV

"Udo! Falco! Are you ready yet?" I heard Gabi yell.

"No not yet! We are almost done"

I look over and see jean sighing

I frown "what's wrong with you"

He rubs his head "I can't believe you guys are younger than me and have dates waiting for you....."

Connie hits his shoulder "aw cheer up jean! You will someone one day"

Jean sighs "maybe"

I grin "I mean they aren't our dates...if that makes you feel better, we are just friends"

Jean nods "I guess so"

Eren walks up to us "Is everyone ready?"

We nod then Eren sighs annoyingly "where the hell is armin?"

Connie shrugs "he said he had to go do something and would be back later"

Eren frowns "he probably went to go see Annie again...."

My eyes widened..... Annie?

Jean sighs "just leave him be, he will join us later"

"I can go get him, if that's alright"

Eren looks at me "thanks, to get there go ask hitch to take you, she is a military police officer she should be down the hall with the others"

I nod and look at falco "I'll join you guys later"

He nods and I walk off to find hitch.

I kept walking until I found a group of soldiers....

I walk up to them and they give me dirty looks.

"Hello, is hitch around?"

The soldier shakes his head "nah she isn't but we are here.

I frown as they began to stand up and glare at me.

I sigh "please, I don't mean any harm"

I felt one punch me in the stomach that launched me back....

I groan my stomach still hurt when Levi beat the shit out of me that day.....

"Sorry kid but any soldier from Marley is a threat, including you"

I frown and stand up clutching my stomach.

I slowly hold up my fists to fight "alright then....give me your best shot"

One man aimed at me and I blocked the punch with my arms but he used his other hand and punched me in the gut again. I felt my hair tug as he grabbed my hair and threw me in a wall....

I look up as he was about to punch me someone yelled.

"What the hell is going on here!?" I look and see a woman with blonde hair glaring at me and the man.

The man sighs and spits near me "this kid wanted to see you hitch"

She sighs then looks at me "hey, you're that kid captain Levi beat the shit out of...and you're a um...Marleyan? Is that what they called you?"

I nodded and she sighs "watcha need anyway?"

"I'm looking for armin...eren said he was seeing....Annie?"

Hitch sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose "yeah he's with her, need me to take you to him?"

I nod "yes, please"

Hitch nods "well follow me"

I nod and began following her as the group of soldiers glared at me the whole time.

We got far away enough when hitch sighs "you need to be careful next time, those are military police soldiers....the nasty ones, trust me kid they are some people you should avoid"

I nod and we arrived to a door "well she's in here....and if you haven't heard she's in a crystal"

I frown "I'm aware...."

She opens the door and I see armin sitting in front of the crystal.

He slightly jumps and looks at me and hitch "ah udo, hitch what are you guys doing here"

Hitch sighs "this kid wanted you"

She leaves and I stare at the crystal.

"Annie..." was all I said before I began walking up to it.

"You're her brother right?" Armin asked and I nodded.

"Step brother actually"

Armin rose an eyebrow "step? So you guys aren't blood related?"

I shook my head "my actual parents died at her dad took me in"

Armin nods "I'm sorry for your loss"

I shrug "it's ok....I don't remember what they look like....sometimes I wish I did"

Armin pats my shoulder "well they are always watching you....keeping you safe"

I grin "thanks...."

I look back at Annie and sigh "will she ever get out from that?"

Armin shakes his head "I don't know....we haven't been able to get her out"

I sigh "we should probably go to the party....just seeing Annie alive is good enough for me..."

Armin nods and we both leave the cell...Annie why did you do this?


We arrived to the scouts castle and many people were all wearing fancy clothing and I saw my friends talking to eachother.

"Well, enjoy the party udo" Armin says leaving.

I walk up to my friends and they smile "hey udo!"

I grin and we began talking with eachother, that night was a fun night...

We mostly talked to eachother then the food was being brought which turned into a fight since Sasha began to start shoving food down her throat and Jean and Connie had to make her stop by tying her up.

Falco got the guts to ask Gabi to dance with her and she agreed and I was happy for him since she said yes. I looked over and saw the adults drinking besides Levi who was probably there most likely to make sure Hanji doesn't do anything stupid.

I look at Zofia who watched falco and gabi dance smiling...I smiled to myself and walked to Levi for some advice I sat next to him and looks at me.

"What do you want?"

I sigh "you see zofia over there..."

He turns to her and nods "yeah what about her?"

I grin "well I want to ask her to dance but....I don't know how"

Levi sighs "just ask her, you never know what she'll say and by how she acts with you I think you'll be fine"

I nod "you think so?"

Levi nods "I'm sure of it"

I smile "well I'll give it a try"

I walk up to zofia and I clear my throat getting her attention.

"Hey udo, what's up?"

I sigh "z-zofia....Um I have a question"

I take a breath and smile "w-will you d-dance with me?"

Her cheeks blush faintly and she smiles "sure"

I grin and I take her hands as we began dancing I look at Levi and he smirks and nods....I've never seen him do that before....

I smile at zofia and we danced with gabi and falco...that night it felt like there was no war happening and everything was peaceful.

It was.....nice

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