Chapter 21 |What to do|

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Levi's POV

We had Annie chained down just in case....I saw Udo and Hanji walk into the room she spotted me and walked over to me and Erwin, just in time.

I saw Zachary enter the room and he cleared his throat starting the trial.

"Alright let's get this started"

Erwin cleared his throat "we believe that the scouts should hold possession of Annie leonhart for the time being, we think we could make good use of her since she is another shifter"

Zachary nodded his head and turned to the military police wanting them to share their position on this situation.

"If I'm being honest, I don't see how much use she can even be, hell she killed hundreds of people in the stohess district!" Nile spoke.

The people in the crowd agreed....he has a point Annie's situation was different compared to erens, eren didn't kill hundreds of people unlike Annie...

"Yes we understand, but if we had her in our possession think of what we can do against the enemy" Erwin suggested.

That didn't seem to please the crowd because they still are against the idea of Annie being alive.

Nile frowned "why are you wanting to keep her? Did she not kill tons of your scouts on your 57 expedition....Erwin"

He then turned to me "and captain Levi, I heard she killed your WHOLE have to feel a little against this whole idea"

I glared at him and Erwin nods "yes that did happen but that whole expedition was to capture the female titan and in the end we did, and now we have her here instead of being in a crystal so the lives that were lost on the expedition did not go out in vain"

Nile frowned "that still doesn't excuse what she did in the stohess district! What she did was on my turf! It was my people who were killed! Not yours..."

Erwin stayed quiet then Nile pointed the gun at Annie "if she's going to die....I will be the one to kill her"

Annie looked at Nile I could see the terror behind her eyes....

"Nile!" Zachary spoke out.

"It wasn't her fault!" Everyone stopped and turned to Udo....what was he doing.

"How..." Nile growled.

The other kids looked at him surprised and Udo continued.

"I-it was her mission"


Annie shot a glare at udo "udo don't!"

"She was sent here to obtain the attack and founder titan she couldn't return home until she did....she had no choice"

Nile frowned "that doesn't excuse what she did" he then pointed the gun back at Annie.

I saw Udo jump from the crowd running towards Annie.

"Udo wait!" Hanji tried to grab him but she couldn't, he avoided her grasp.

He got in front of Annie protecting her from the gun.

"You're going to have to shoot me too..." he said angrily.

"Move...I'm only going to ask once"

He shook his head "no"

Nile sighed "fine"

My eyes widened and I got up running towards them. Nile was unexpected...he could possibly shoot them if he was angry enough.

I jumped in front of Udo shielding him then I heard a the gun go off....but I didn't feel anything.

I turned around and saw Hitch stopped Nile from shooting us...she pushed the gun out of our view.

"Don't be an idiot commander...he's just a kid"

Nile looked at Hitch as she glared at him.

"You have kids right?"


"Then have a little decency" she let go of the gun and looked at me.

Nile dropped the gun and looked at Udo "I-I'm sorry"

I glared at Nile and he sighs "she didn't have a choice?"

Udo shook his head "n-no sir....she didn't"

Nile nods "then let the scouts have her...but if she goes rogue on us again....I will kill her"

Everyone stays quiet and Zachary clears his throat "then it's settled, Annie leonhart is now in the scouts custody"

I looked down at Udo and sighed he looked at me and gave a weak smile.

Honestly I was still upset he made a stupid move like that...he could have gotten himself killed....

I looked at Annie and she kept her head down like she was ashamed....

This is going to be a long day....

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