Chapter 14|Backstory|

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Udos POV

When hanji hugged me my body froze but at the same time....I desperately needed one....

They aren't devil's....they are people....just like the marleyans.....

She sighs and looks at me "feeling better?"

I nod "thank you...."

She smiles "you remind me of Levi....."

"I do?"

She nods "Levi gets like this a lot.....very frustrated at himself and at everyone else...."

"Can I ask why?"

She shrugs "I can't see why not, Levi was a thug a while back....he lived in the underground..."


She nods "it's a city built beneath us where....I hate to say this but it's where more of the poor people live...."

I nod and kept on listening to the story.

"One day Erwin brought him up here to join the scouts along with two of Levis friends.....who unfortunately aren't here anymore...."


She nods "he still has nightmares about it....I can't blame him....poor man had been through a lot in his life time...."

"What else happened?...."

She sighs "well as the months went by Levi climbed the rankings and soon became a captain which then he formed his powerful or which I call it his super squad, he had an elite group of people in his squad that stuck with him until the very end....."

"Does the squad contain Eren and everyone?"

She looks down...."that wasn't till later...."

"So they...."

"Yes Udo....his passed squad died....he is still angry at himself for it because he tried to go help but he didn't make it in time...."

"How did they die?" I would expect Titans did the work.....

She frowns "your sister.....killed them...."

My eyes widened "a-annie did?"

She nods "Annie attacked the scouts in her Titan form attempting to capture Eren....but the process she killed Levis sqaud because Eren was under their protection....they died fighting for him....which is also something Eren holds against himself as well ...."

I look wonder Levi seems to hate me the most....

Hanji sighs "in all Levi has been through hell and back and is still standing strong....."

"Did he loose anyone else?" I asked....

She frowns "he lost his mother at a young age then lost his uncle a few months back and-" she stopped herself....

"And who?"

She looks down...."and our baby boy....."

My eyes widened "our? You and Levi had a kid?"

"Of course we did moron" my eyes widened to see Levi standing at the doorway frowning.

Hanji jumped "l-levi!"

He sighs "don't worry about it four's not like he's the only one who knows my past...."

I frown "I'm sorry sir....for everything..."

He sighs "don't worry about it's in the past"

"How old was your son when you....lost him....."

Levi frowns "barely even a week old....."

"Did he die from illness?"

Levi shrugs "I don't know....he was taken from us the night he was born....."

My eyes widened "t-thats terrible! Why would someone do that?"

Levi shrugs "probably because he was humanitys strongest and smartest child....who wouldn't want him in this world...."

I looked down "did you guys ever have another?"

He shook his head "we both agreed to try to have one when all of this shit is over...."

I looked at hanji and she nods agreeing with Levi....

"You both.....have been through must have been awful..."

Hanji sighs "it still hurts....I can't go a day without thinking about our boy...."

"Do you guys think he's still alive?"

Levi shrugs "maybe....but I doubt it....we searched everywhere inside the walls and underground for him....whoever took him is a hella of good hider if he's still alive...."

Hanji smiles "you kinda remind me of him"

"I do?"

She laughs softly and points at her eyes "mostly because of your eyes...."

I smile softly "I'm glad I kinda Relate to him...."

Levi lifts an eyebrow "you are? Considering you think we are devil's?"

I look down "I am aren't devil' guys are just normal people who just want freedom in this world and the Marylans are taking it from you...."

Levi sighs "seems like you finally realized it"

I sigh "honestly I just want this war to be over....I've already lost my only family and I don't want to loose my next....and I don't want you or my friends dying in the process....."

Levi sighs "well that will be hard considering the marlyans want us dead....."

I grin "maybe we could come up with a resolution?"

Hanji nods "that's a good idea but what kind of resolution?"

"Leave this island off limits from Marley but people on paradis can't come to Marley...."

Levi frowns "that will work until someone realizes they want to go beyond what the island offers"

I sigh "well until then we could work something out and show how peaceful paradis really is"

They nod in agreement and hanji sighs "well after your troops attacked us, I highly doubt out people will accept these conditions...."

I nod "that's true.... But maybe we could change both perspectives in the future....for one thing I know this change will take time...."

Levi lifts an eyebrow "for someone your age your pretty smart...."

I grin sheepishly "really?, My friends call me the nerd of the group.... although I was the smartest in our education system....I probably got my smarts from my parents..." My grin faded as the thought of my parents still hurts....

Hanji places her hand on my shoulder and grins "I bet your parents were wonderful people Udo....."

I nod "yeah....even though I never met them I have a feeling they were wonderful people"

When you really get to know these people....they can be.... really nice....

"Oi brat don't you have to apologise to a certain someone?"

"Oh right I need to apologise to falco...."

Hanji smiles "after you apologise to your friend, you should bring your friends to the will be a lot of fun" she smirks at the end.

Levi smacks her head "don't get any weird ideas four eyes....."

She laughs "don't worry Levi I'll keep it to a minimum!"

All Levi does was tch in response and left the room.

I looked at hanji and she shrugs "he's a little grumpy midget"

I laugh softly and stand up "thank you.... hanji"

She smiles "anytime kiddo"

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