13 . Deep and Meaningful

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"So the rules of the game is we take it in turns to ask one another twenty one questions each. Some people only allow you to answer yes or no, but we will bend the rules and have short answers, okay?" Harry explains as we both sit cross legged on my lounge, facing each other. The heat is turned to high to warm up my apartment in the almost winter month. I made myself a coffee and Harry a tea being the Brit he is and we are drinking that along with eating melting moments I always keep in my pantry incase of a hunger emergency like mine now.

"Got it." I nod my head, asking myself how Harry is only in a towel and a t shirt due to the rest of his clothes being in the dyer whilst I'm here in my thick materials pyjamas and uggboots and still be freezing cold whilst he isn't showing a single sign of being cold.

"So shall I go first or would you like to start?" Harry asks, smirking his famous smirk at me.

"You ask me first." I send him a toothy grin as he nods his head and taps his chin, thinking of a question to ask me.

"I'll start off with an easy one. What's your date of birth?" He asks. So the questions can be simple like this? Okay, I get how to play now.

"December twelve, 1992."

"Ella, your birthday is exactly two weeks away!" Harry sits up, a big smile plastered on his face. I nod my head. "Do you have anything planned?"


"No plans with anyone? Not even your family or friends?" He asks. I just shake my head, not wanting to even think about my so called family or friends that I don't have much of. "Well I'll change that. Keep the date free, alright?"

"Okay." I force a smile onto my face, not wanting to show Harry the pain I feel whilst thinking about my family. "My turn?" I ask and Harry nods his head in reply. "Did you slash my tires tonight?"


"Harry! What the hell. Why would you do that?" I hit his ankle that's half tucked up underneath his leg. I knew he did it, I had a gut feeling.

"It's my turn to ask the question babe." He winks at me. I roll my eyes at him, but can't help the way he makes my heart flutter by calling me babe. "Got any siblings?"

Great, a question about my family. I mentally face palm. "Nope. I'm an only child." I send him a toothy grin. "Why did you slash my tires?"

"Because." He says as if it's the most obvious reason in the world. When I move forward slightly to show him that I want more of an answer he continues. "Because I know that boy is trouble and I know that if I left you there he would come back after you. I slashed your tires because I could see you two together and I knew what he would try to do to you. You're not the first girl he's done that to Ella and I wasn't there to save the unfortunate other girls."

"Well aren't you just a superhero, Harry." I clap my hands together, sarcastically applauding Harry.

"I'm serious Ella. This is serious. I wanted you to be able to get home safe. I knew I would end up across the road to where you were. That's why I stayed hidden away in that bus shelter. I knew what Jacko was up to and I slashed your tires so I could take you home where I know you would be nice and safe."

"Thank you Harry." I look into his eyes with sorrow. "I really mean it. You pretty much saved my life. Not many strangers do that for people."

"Am I a stranger to you?" He asks, hurt behind his eyes.

"That's your question Styles." I smirk at him and watch his jaw drop.

"That's not fai-"

"Rules are rules Styles, you explained them yourself. Now, the answer is you were a stranger, but I think we're a little more than that now." I giggle. "What made you move to New York from Cheshire?"

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