40. Other Things

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"Get dressed" Harry comes into the lounge room in his usual attire of black skinny jeans, but this time he is wearing a white button down shirt instead of a simple t shirt.

"For what?" I ask, turning the television off and diverting my gaze to Harry. As soon as I came inside Harry was busy typing away on his laptop so I decided not to bother him and watch tv instead.

"I'm taking you out to dinner, that's what."

"And what's the occasion?" I stand, walking towards him until I am right infront of him. He takes another step forward and snakes his arms around me. Our chests are against one another - well my chest and his stomach due to our height difference.

"Does there have to be an occasion for me to want to take out my beautiful girlfriend for dinner?" My heart melts at the words. I don't think he has used that word too much in his lifetime. It sounds so foreign yet incredible rolling off his tongue.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, remembering that he should be resting not taking me out for dinner. He just rolls his eyes at me and sighs. "I'm serious Harry. You could barely move this morning and -"

"I just want to take you out alright? You're the one who wanted to be in a relationship and I'm trying. Don't couples do this shit? Go out and eat together?"

"Yes, but since when are we like a normal couple? Harry, we witnessed someone getting shot last night. I'm still spooked by that." I take his hand and pull him with me until we are at the dining table. "I'm scared Harry. That could've be you."

"El, we know that the only man capable of doing that will never kill me. I'm too valuable for him to take down." He puts his hand over mine and looks into my eyes, trying to read how I'm feeling. "Is that why you've been weird all afternoon? Every time I asked you a question you would give me half hearted responses."

"You seemed busy working. I'm fine."

"I was online shopping, Ella." He rolls his beautiful green eyes once again. "And checking my emails."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I say honestly. I want to tell him about David's phone call but what if I'm just overreacting? I guess even if it's nothing then what's the harm in telling Harry right? I know I would want him to tell me so I won't be hypocritical and keep things from him.

"Then what has caused you to act so weirdly? Did Gemma say something to you?" He frowns as his curiosity grows.

"No, not at all. She's fine it's just when I came back here I seen David leaving."

"Did he say something to you?" His voice raises and I lean back in fear. "Sorry" he calms himself down. "What happened?"

"He didn't see me. I was hiding and I heard him call someone. There wasn't a conversation or anything, he just said Pablo, our plan is good to go."

"Fuck." His hands make their way to his hair.

"What is it Harry?"

"I don't know that's the thing. He just came here to give me medication for the pain and my training schedule."

"Is that all?"

"And to warn me about you, but of course I'd never listen to him. I love you and I would rather risk my life and be happy with you then go back to my old ways and be miserable without you." His hand goes back to my hand and he lifts it, kissing it gently.

"I just wish we could be like a normal couple and be able to love each other without this -" I wave my hands in the air "- stupid situation going on."

"But you said it yourself earlier, we aren't like normal couples." He smiles at me. "Come here, I don't like seeing you worry" Harry slides my chair out and takes my hands, pulling me to him. When I am on his lap I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head into his chest. His arms wrap securely around me and I feel so safe in his arms. Like nothing could ever go wrong.

"So are we going out still?"

"I think we should stay in. I have other things on my mind." He smirks and my heart flutters in my chest.

"What other things?" I question, acting as if I have no idea when in fact I know exactly what he is thinking and I can't help but wait in anticipation for what is about to occur.

A/N: boring chapter I know, but trust me the next chapter is one you have all been waiting for. ;)

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