69. Reconciled

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Today wasn't a very productive day of work. I spent most of the time moving into my new office two floors above. It's much larger than my old one, but it feels so empty. My old office felt full of happiness and warmness - provably because I was friends with most of the people on my floor and we would always work together to help each other out. I was also across from Zayn who was my best friend, but now I don't know if we are anymore.

I've put in effort to try and get the reason out of him why he's being so cold, but he doesn't want anything to do with me. I'm not stupid, I know it is something to do with my promotion.

I gaze around my room, taking in all the light white detail. My old office had all black and grey furniture, whereas this one is all white and cream. It's quite a big contrast.

After packing up my things that I barely worked on as setting up was my main priority today, I collect my bag and exit my room. When I get home I plan to eat, have a shower and then get ready for tonight because Harry is going out with his mates and asked if I wanted to go. I've met Liam and Niall, but not the rest. Liam is a bit of a wild one, but Niall is a sweetheart so I'm hoping they'll all be nice too.


Harry arrived early and he's currently out on the lounge with Taylor watching a movie whilst I have my shower and get ready. Harry insisted he accompany me, but I'm currently on my period and I just want to get in the shower and out of the shower as soon as I can.

After my shower I blow dry my hair straight and then add some loose curls at the ends of my hair to make myself look less boring and more fun. Tonight I'll be wearing a blue satin dress with silver jewellery. I brought this dress a long time ago but never wore it, so I think tonight will be a good time to wear it for the first time. I will also be taking my long black coat to keep me warm when I walk outside.


I drove here as I wanted Harry to enjoy himself for once. He barely drinks, only when someone or something is upsetting him but tonight I talked him into having a couple of drinks for himself. He's been through a lot lately with all the David drama, his mum and dealing with my ex turning up, etc. He said he's only going to have one or two, but who knows with Harry.

We walk in hand in hand and Liam instantly approaches us with a blonde girl by his side. So I see he has made a friend already.

"Harry, Ella - its good to see you guys." He shakes Harry's and and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you?" I ask him and he looks to the girl beside him.

"I'm great." He winks at Harry and Harry just rolls his eyes as him as he pulls on my hand to follow him. A group of boys shout out 'Styles' as we enter what looks like a games room. There's a snooker table and table tennis table in the centre of the room along with air hockey in the far corner.

"Boys" Harry approaches them and I follow shyly behind him. A lot of them have tattoos and some have facial piercings that scare the hell out of me but then there's others who are just normal looking guys. "This is my girlfriend Ella. Ella, this is Jack, Ben, Adam, Nathan, Matt, Tyler, Andrew and Christopher." Harry introduces me and points to them as he says their names.

"Hello" I say politely and shake their hands as Harry does so. Some of them hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek and one of them calls me hot, I think it was Tyler and Harry glares at him and tells him to watch it sarcastically.

"What do you see in this guy?" Adam asks me, taking a large gulp from his red cup.

"He's i-" I am cut off as soon as I speak by Tyler.

"It's the big dick isn't it?" He chuckles and I step back, clearly caught off guard by what he said.

"Tyler." Harry shakes his head at him. "He's joking babe." He places his hand around my waist.

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