15 . Late

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"Oh my god, what time time is it?" I gasp to myself as I quickly get up, almost falling out of bed. Last thing I remember is sitting next to Harry on what he called ugly (my lounge) as we watched Cinderella. We watched Snow White before it and I think I fell asleep halfway through Cinderella. Question is, I fell asleep on the lounge and I don't sleep walk so there's only one answer on how I got into my bed. Harry.

I turn the shower on to wake myself up and begin my morning routine. When I finish my shower and am dressed, not caring about my rushed hair and makeup today, I bolt into the kitchen. A figure on my lounge catches my attention in the midst of darting towards the kitchen. I stroll over to the lounge and take a look for myself at the one and only Harry Styles curled up into a ball, sleeping on my couch.

"Psst, Harry." I shake his body, but he doesn't wake up. He only mumbles profanities under his breath and curls up deeper into the lounge. He even swears in his sleep, wow. "Harry, wake up." I tap his broad shoulder a couple of times.

"What?" He growls, wiping his eyes with his hands before he sits up on the couch. He looks at his wrist, reading his very expensive watch. "It's like 6:00am, what are you doing awake so early on a Saturday?"

"It's called work, Harry." I scoff. "The only day I have off is Sunday, now get your but moving because I need to leave in ten minutes."

"Can't you call in sick?"

"No!" I almost choke I the air. "I can't call in sick. I actually like my job and care about not getting fired. Besides I now have to catch the bus as my tires are slashed and outside the pizza place."

"Whatever." He stands up and stretches. I can't help but stare at the prominent v-line and lower toned abs as Harry's shirt rises up. "Like what you see El?"

"Shut up. Tea or coffee?" I ask, trying to change the subject. He goes to open his mouth, but I cut him off before he speaks. "Don't start, I remember how much you hate coffee. Tea it is."

"You remembered?" He holds a shocked expression on his face and a cheeky grin.

"Don't act so surprised, Styles. I'm not a goldfish, I do remember having my coffee rudely stolen off me. Karma is a b isn't it."

"A b?"

"I don't swear Harry."

"Come on Ella, you can at least do say bitch. That doesn't even count as a swear word. You say fucking twice last night, do you remember goldfish?"

"I do remember, but as I already explained yesterday to you, goldfish, I only swear when it's necessary like hurting myself of in yesterday's case when my oven was on fire."

"Whatever Ella, just make me my tea." He says rudely. "And by the way you don't have to worry about your car. Let's just say I know of a few mechanics and car poolers who delivered your car outside this apartment building this morning."

"You what?"

"Just don't worry about it. Like I said just make my tea."

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused."

"Why are you being an a hole?" I spit. "Don't speak to me like I'm your servant."

"What? I'm just asking you to make my tea." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well you could ask politely or use manners, Harry."

"I don't do polite nor manners." He crosses his arms over his chest, strolling over to where I am. His towering height dominating over me. "You should be nice to me considering I got your car fixed."

"I swear you're bipolar Harry Styles."

"Oooh, the use of the full name." He chuckles. I glare at him. "Stop starring at me like that, I know you like what you see, but you said it yourself, you've got to get to work in mere minutes."

"Take your tea, hopefully that will shut you up." I mumble the lay part under my breath but I know he heard me because I heard him laughing as he walked over to the dinning table.

"Thank you Elouise."

"I thought you don't do manners."

"And I thought you hated it when I call you Elouise."

"Forget I even asked." I shake my head, drinking my coffee and grabbing two croissants out of the fridge. I'm pretty hungry seeing that Harry and I had popcorn for dinner, seeing as that the lasagne was a disaster. I pop the croissants into the microwave and heat them up. When they're ready I join Harry at the table, handing him his breakfast.

"Thanks Ella." He says slowly and sarcastically.

"You're welcome Harry." I match his tone, receiving a stunned expression from Harry in return. "So what's on the agenda today for you?"

"I have a fight tonight, so I'll spend today preparing for that I guess." He says in the midst of chewing on his food, but I ignore it because I feel as though I'm being very picky.

"Good luck for that."

"Thank you, but I won't need it. I can't even remember the last time I lost a fight."

"I hate violence." I admit.

"I love it."

"That's sickening." I take the last bite of my croissant and skull the rest of my coffee because I really need to get to work.

"That's my career."

"Well, good thing you haven't lost then because if you almost cried in Snow White then I'd hate to see you cry when you lose."

"I did not cry in Snow White!" Harry defends himself. "I yawned and you know it. Everyone tears up when they yawn."

"I know Harry, I'm just playing with you." I laugh to myself as I wash up our mugs and plates.

"I'd prefer you to play with me in a different way." He smirks and falls into a fit of laughter once he sees my expression.

"You are disgusting did I ever tell you that?"

"What? I meant playing monopoly. Who does not love playing board games?"

"Nice save Styles, nice save." I drain the sink and realise that I'm running five minutes behind time. "Now I really need to go so I'll see you when I see you Harry."

"So you want to see me again do you?" He wiggles his eyebrows up and down as he grabs his belongings from the lounge and joins me at the door. "I don't blame you, this is pretty irresistible."

"Get over yourself Harry." I lock my door and throw my keys into my handbag. As we go down the lift in silence we reach the entry of my apartment building. "So, I guess this is where we part ways."

"Wait, I need to get your number." Harry pulls out his phone. When I type in my number he calls my phone. "Now you have mine too." He chirps. "Goodbye Ella, have a lovely day."

"You too Harry, don't beat anyone's brains out too hard tonight will you."

"Oh trust me Ella, I will." He smirks one last time as he walks backwards towards his car as I walk towards mine, looking back occasionally to see him still staring at me.

"Harry watch out there's a-" and before I can warn him, he walks into the pole. He plays it off as if he meant to run into it, but I know he didn't. I laugh to myself at the idiot he is and we wave goodbye to each other before I get into my car and drive off to work. I wonder what the rest of the day has in store for me.

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