66. Forgiveness

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Harry's POV:

"Thanks for this Liam." I say from my computer desk. He's currently on his phone texting some girl he's planning on hooking up with again.

"You still have to tell me everything." He reminds me. Of course he wouldn't forget like I was hoping. "That must've been a pretty bad chilli at that restaurant because your eyes are so bloody red mate." I would never tell him that I cried on the way home. I never cry. He would call me a pussy.

"I have chillies in the fridge if you want to try it yourself." I bend down to turn the PowerPoint for my printer on so I can print out the plane ticket. I went through this guys car. Found out his name was Adam Quinn and he's from California. He's twenty five, a few years older than Ella. It's only three and a half years, but he would've been twenty when he first met her at seventeen. That's illegal also.

Liam and I are taking him to the airport. He's completely conscious now and suffers a lot of bruising on his arms and legs, but that is now covered with his long clothing. I made sure not to do too much damage. A hat can cover the damage on the side of his head from when I pushed him up against the brick wall.

I'm trying as much as I can not to think of what my mum told me. After I walked out on her I came straight here and paid a lot of money for a last minute plane ticket for Adam to send his ass back to where it belongs and no, it's not hell unfortunately. It's California.

"You're crazy styles. Forcing a guy on a plane. I really underestimated you." Liam picks up the ticket that I just printed.

"Did you book into a hotel?" I ask Adam who is staring at his feet. I've still got him tied to my lounge. You do learn a lot in movies with things like this.

"My car." He rolls his eyes and I stand up, walking over to him and untying him. "Liam, hold him down so he won't move." I call Liam over who assists me just incase the asshole decides to move.

I grab the black bag that has the flight ticket, the guys passport, my license, etc and Liam and I are on either side of him as we walk out the door. I lock it behind me as we get to the car.

Adam hasn't tried to fight us or he hasn't spoken much and I should take that as a good thing but it's not. Something tells me that after he boards the plane this isn't the last I'm going to see of him.


Liam is sitting in the back with Adam as I drive his hire car to the airport. It's not too far of a drive and Adam has remained silent and still.

When we arrive occasional people stare and that's either because some of them notice who I am and others are being nosy and just staring for the sake of it.

"You hungry?" I ask the guy. After all, I can't starve him. He's holding his suitcase in one of his hands and with the other hand it remains in his pocket. The guy better not have anymore weapons on him. I think he was bullshitting when he said he wasn't staying in a hotel. He either has connections or he's lying but he did have his suitcase in his car with him after all.

"No thanks." He looks over at me with his sly eyes which I am unable to see through. I'm trying to read him but he's a closed book.

"You are not to come back here. Are we clear? Next time I won't be as lenient."

"I can barely fucking move my arms and legs and I'll have bruises for months thanks to you. But no promises. It's a small world."

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