49. Why Did I Drive Here?

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I was miserable all afternoon at work yesterday and it didn't help that Zayn kept reminding me of how much of an idiot I am with his I told you so's. Harry was acting so odd yesterday and he definitely wasn't himself.

I want to call him and ask him why he is doing this, but my heart won't be able to cope hearing its favourite sound. If I text him, he will probably ignore me anyway so I've decided to leave it. I did storm off yesterday, but what did he expect?

I can't be bothered doing anymore work as I'm not mentally in the right headspace at the moment to be writing my article. I'm happy with its progress so far though.

I close all my tabs and open a new chrome browser. I haven't been on social media in a couple of days and in all honesty I've been so caught up with all the things happening in my life that I've only touched my phone to text and call people.

Signing into Twitter I begin scrolling through what my favourite celebrities tweet and some of my journo acquaintances. Halfway through my feed I see a tweet from Harry's Twitter which is run by his management team and thankfully that doesn't include David as these are the tech guys. I don't want to click on the account, but a little Twitter stalking never hurt nobody.  

I see some of the recent activity and notice that their is a recent favourited tweet. It's a photograph of Harry and a girl. They both have beer in their hands and she has blood shot eyes. Harry is looking down at her and by the looks of it, her top that she may as well not be wearing because it is very revealing. They're drunk. I was hoping this photo was from a while ago, but my heart aches in my chest when I see that it was from an hour ago.

Surprisingly I'm not jealous, I'm just excruciatingly mad. The ache in my heart is gone and anger takes over. I slam my MacBook shut and grab my keys. I need to go for a drive.

That song that reminded me of Harry and I of course has to come on the radio as I'm on my way. It's called secret love song and I can't handle hearing it so I change the station.

I turn left into the all so familiar street that I spent two great weeks of my life in. The lights are on in the large apartment with beautiful gardens that I adore. The blinds are open and as I pull into the kerb I can see figures moving inside. I turn my car off so it's more quiet and as I do I can hear the music faintly from where I am, but it must be blaring inside.

I don't know why on earth I drove here, but I guess I was wrong in thinking that he wouldn't move on so quickly. I see another car pull up behind me and the window goes down, followed by a man in black with a camera leaning outside the window. Of course paparazzi. Why does Harry have his blinds open? It's almost as if he wants people to see what's going on inside.

I see Niall's blonde hair with a brunette girl who is much shorter than he is. Liam soon walks by too and when I lean backwards more towards the back of the car I see the figure of the man I know all too well. His curls are pushed back off of his face and tied into a bun. I barely see him with that bun, only when he's training. 

The next thing I see is that girl with black hair who was in that Twitter photo. Harry takes a sip of his beer and the girl starts talking to him again. Soon after I see him laughing - he used to laugh at me like that. The girl starts talking again and I see Harry move his lips - to answer her or say something in response. She's leaning awfully close to him and he moves closer to her. I can't look anymore - I look away and turn my car on. I've seen enough already. 

Why did I drive here?

The black car, which hides easily in the dark unlike my white one remains parked behind me and I don't care if they see me because they obviously have, but I just need to get the hell out of here. My tyres screech as I turn the wheel as sharp as I can, not bothered to do a three point turn to get out of this place. Before I know it I'm out of the street and on my way home. 

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