59. A Baby?

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It's been a week since my article was published and I'm overwhelmed by its feedback. I was nervous about people's opinions, but in all honesty I feel kind of famous. Most people, especially those who have social media know that the guy in the end part of my article was Harry. They've seen photos online of us two as Harry is well known here. Now that my article is out more people now who I am. Some give me looks, some congratulate me and others send their condolences for my past. I miss my family members everyday, but I feel more free and like a whole lot of weight has been lifted off my chest after writing that article.

Tony has been my new best friend at work. In fact, he's been giving me tasks that only people in the print room are able to do. My goal since starting here has been to be able to have my own section in each weeks article and I'm hoping this article will bring me that goal. Tony knows how serious I am about this job, my long hours should prove that.

Today was another simple day at work. Working in the print room is real eye opening and I get to see so many spectacular things that go on. Today I got to meet Khloe Kardashian which was a big deal for me. Usually I'm lucky to get a quick glimpse of a celebrity, but to work with her today was incredible. I really ope to be able to start interviewing people. David said my job today was to look at the way other journalists interview the celebrities. If this isn't his hint for me to say he will give me a promotion soon, I really don't know what he's thinking.

Zayn has been sort of distant this past week. At first he was so happy and congratulated me about my article, but ever since I've been working in the floors above our usual one he has been different. I don't think he's jealous, he's not like that. Yeah he has been working here longer than me, but I deserve this too.

Another strange thing this past week is I have the feeling like someone is watching me. At first I was scared, but when the same black Range Rover kept appearing I know too well who it was.

The same time every morning it would follow me to work, when I went on my lunch break I would notice the car following me to my local cafe and in the afternoons it'd stay there until I got to my car from my office. Sometimes I would see it outside my apartment and it amazes me how good he is at keeping tabs on me. It kind of annoys me that he's spying on me when he was the one that told me to leave, but I know he is doing it for my safety.

I park my car and lock it up, deciding to sneak out the back way of the car park, swiping my card to open the door. I walk through the vines and hoping that I manage to get through without him noticing me. I have my large coat on, I was only wearing a sweater whilst leaving work today so hopefully with my coat and beanie on he won't notice me.

His car is still in the parking lot across the road and I can't see him through his tinted windows, but even from this distance I can see that his passenger window is down. I walk across the road and along the path until I'm a few metres away from his car. I can't believe I'm about to do this, but hey, we can't ignore each other forever.

These past couple of weeks I've been doing a lot of thinking. It's made me realise that despite how much I love him, if he doesn't want to be together then I'm happy to be friends. There is way too much chemistry between us to be friends, but David will be out of the picture for a while so why can't we give this a shot?

I take a deep breath and exhale slowly, trying to calm my nerves. Just act natural Ella, it's just Harry.

"You know, you should really stick to boxing because spying on people really isn't your thing." I say to him, leaning on the passenger window.

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