46. Man Period

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When I arrive at work, I have never dreaded a first day back ever as much as this. I am tired, hungover and not prepared for an awkward encounter with my best friend who is upset with me at the moment.

I can barely remember what happened last night. I remember talking to Luke about Jacko and getting his number, then the next thing I know is that I woke up with Harry beside me when I woke up. I know he would have been awake when I got home, but thankfully he stayed asleep whilst I left for work.

"Ella, welcome back are we ready for a big year?" Tony greets me in a rather happy tone. New year, new Tony? Fingers crossed his mood stays this way.

"Yes I am. I have been working on the article actually." I take a sip of my coffee that I managed to get on the way here. Perks of having thousands of coffee shops around the area you work that come in convenience when running late.

"I cannot wait to read it. It's due next week, remember?"

"I know." I nod my head, acting calm on the outside when in fact on the inside I am certainly not calm at all. This article could be my next big break to move up in the company to a higher position and that is why I need to make it perfect.

"Well, Taylor has some editing for you and when you finish feel free to work on your article. Have a good day."

"Thanks Tony, you too." I say on my way to the lift. Pressing the up button, I wait for it to come to my level and soon the doors open. When I step inside and press my level number, the doors begin to close until a voice shouts "wait, wait!"

I recognise the voice as Niall's, so of course I open the doors back up by pressing a button. When they open I smile and get ready to greet Niall until I see Zayn behind him. He looks at me and when he notices I am looking at him he turns his gaze from me to the floor.

"Hey Ella, how are ya" Niall nudges my arm as he walks in the lift and stands beside me. Niall is Zayn's new assistant for this year, just like Taylor has been mine since last year.

"I'm good, tired - but good. Yourself?"

"Fantastic, pretty stoked to be working for this big guy." He puts his arm around Zayn and I laugh at his quirkiness, but it soon stops as Zayn removes Niall's arm and clears his throat, his eyes never leaving the ground.

When the lift stops, Niall lets me go first and I thank him. I stop to let Zayn go, but when he doesn't I go to step infront of him and he must have moved at the same time as me because we bump into each other.

"Sorry" we say at the same time, but his comes off as more of a mumble.

"After you" I tell him and he nods his head, stepping out first and towards his office.

"Am I missing something here?" Niall whispers in my ear. "It seems to me like-"

"Come on Niall" Zayn calls for him, still walking forwards towards his office and not turning around to me once. What is problem? Honestly, it's my relationship and my business as to what Harry and I do. I know he is trying to be there for me, but to treat me like this is not who Zayn is and I am sick of it.

I follow him and Niall to his office. "Niall" I shout to the blonde boy and he stops and turns around to me.

"Yes love?"

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