25. Twenty Two

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A few days have past since I last seen Harry. I'm twenty two today. It doesn't feel like it's my birthday, but when does it ever? The day I turned nine was the first birthday that didn't feel like it was my actual birthday. A birthday without my beloved grand parents wasn't worth celebrating. I never tell anyone about my birthday and I guess no one ever asks.

Zayn welcomed me into work today with a beautiful bunch of flowers and two tubs of Ben n Jerrys. He's one of the only people who know about my birthday only because he's been my best friend for so long. He told me that him and Perrie are taking me out for dinner Sunday night and to keep my schedule free. Perhaps I could write my article on the love him and Perrie share.

I've finished work for the day and thankfully I didn't have to proof read any articles that are to be published. Today I researched topics to write about and looked through photos to put into the magazines.


I decided to give Pablo's pizza a miss tonight for my lonely night. Something about him and Jacko give me the spooks so I might stay clear of them for a while.

When I arrive home from work Diana at reception hands me a bouquet of roses. "You're a very lucky girl. He is very handsome." She winks at me before going back and minding her own business. "Thank you." I say and admire the roses. They must have cost a fortune. A note is attached to the side of them and I read it as I wait for the elevator. The card has lovely handwriting and I smile at the small gesture as I read it.

Happy birthday love. H x

When I open my door a note has been slipped under it. Look under your bed it says. I carefully place the roses on the table and go check under my bed.

Good job. You've found the next clue. Go to this address. A taxi will be waiting for you at 5:45. All you need is yourself, makeup (not that you need it), your toiletries, pyjamas and undergarments. Do not take that the wrong way please, you will get what I mean when you get to the hotel.

I do as Harry says. I was mad at him, but what if he's in trouble. What if that David guy is after him or what if this is Harry's way of apologising. I know that if I don't do as this note says I will regret it and so that is why I'm making my way to the lobby where I'm hoping a taxi is waiting. It's 5:30 which means I am on time.


The taxi driver handed me a note which had my room number and card to get into the hotel room. Yes, Harry has led me to a hotel. When I walk into the hotel room there are more roses but on the ground. The petals lead to a bedroom and I follow the trail. There's a box on the bed along with another note on top of it.

Open the box. H x

I open the box and my jaw instantly drops. It's beautiful. I hold up the beautiful floor length, fitted red dress and a tear slips down my eye at its beauty. This would have cost a fortune. I cannot possibly take this gift from Harry. At the bottom of the box is another note that says look under the bed. Under the bed is a smaller box that is still large. I know what it is instantly. An indescribably adequate pair of silver heels with jewels along the sides. Now I know I can definitely not take these gifts from Harry. Even the roses were more than enough.

I promise I'm not buying your forgiveness, but please do wear these. It'll be as much as a gift for me as it is for you believe me. I have taken the tags off them all and thrown out the receipts so they'll be gone to waste if you don't wear them. Now check the bathroom. H x

The final note tells me to be ready at 7:30pm. Next to that note is a variety of bath and body products.


Once I have a shower I feel refreshed. I can't believe what Harry is doing. I feel like a princess. I blow dry my hair with the hotel hair dryer and do my makeup giving myself a finished look that isn't too over the top, but yet you can still tell I have makeup on.

When I'm finished I check for time and it is 7:20. It's time to put on my dress and shoes. At first I thought Harry had other things in mind, but now I know that he said to bring them for this gorgeous dress.

The fabric is so soft it slides through my fingertips. It feels way too expensive for my to wear as it probably cost Harry near the thousands as it is a private designer brand. I can tell by the stitching. How he knew my correct sizes is amazing because when I slip on the dress it fits perfectly. The shoes fit perfectly too as I'm the perfect women's 7 in size.

I look at the clock on the bedside table and it says it's 7:28pm. Harry would be here any minute and now is the time I spray my Victoria Secret perfume and twirl around in the mirror. I take a quick I few as people would call selfies with my brick of a phone and can't help but stare at myself in the mirror. This dress is just beautiful and I never want to take it off.

It's 7:30 on the dot and there's a knock at the door. I take one last look in the mirror and smile to myself as I walk towards the door.

When I open it Harry is there and I almost fall back at his appearance. He is wearing a tuxedo. He told me he would never be caught dead in one yet here he is.

"Wow" his eyes rake up and down my body. "You look incredible." He shakes his head. "I knew you would look good, but wow El I am speechless."

"Come here." I embrace him in a hug and kiss his cheek. "Thank you so much Harry. And I plan to give you back every scent you paid for this whole outfit."

"Don't be stupid. You are not paying me for anything. I want to do this for you. Happy birthday babe." He hugs me again and a tear of happiness slips down my eye. "One more present." He opens his blazer pocket to retrieve another box.

"Harry I couldn't possibly take this gif-"

I stop speaking as Harry opens the box and I admire the diamond necklace infront of me.

"Harry, I can't take this."

"Yes you can." He takes it out of the box. "May I?" He asks and I nod my head. I turn around and goosebumps arise to my flesh as he places it on my neck. I can feel it sparkling on my neck.

"I don't know how I can repay you for this."

"I have a few things in mind." He winks. "I'm joking. Happy birthday Ella. Let's go, the night is only beginning."

"Quick question." I say as I link my arm around his. He turns his head to look at me. "I thought you said you hate wearing tux's."

"I do. But you're worth it."

A/N: I can't believe how many more people are reading this story now. I am so happy with how many reads I have just on my recent chapter. If you like this book let me know by voting or commenting because all feedback will be noticed. xx

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