74. Blood

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Harry's Pov:

I just finished an intense training session at the gym and was approached by a man who had a son that is fourteen years old. His son is number two in the world for yoder fourteens category and lightweight. He said he wants his son to be number one but his coach isn't good enough for that. He asked me if I trained him and honestly that shocked me. Someone wants me to train their son.

I would love to help the kid but I don't know if I'm good enough. Yeah I'm good at boxing myself but I never thought about training someone else. I have him my trainers number, the only good thing that came out of David was my trainer who is a good man and awesome coach.

I hope the kid gets onto my coach because he has good stamina and ethic as I seen in the video his dad showed me but I said to him that I'd give him a session here next week.

Right now I'm skulling down a ginger shot as I don't want to get run down from over exercising and no sleep recently.

When I get to my car right before I start the ignition I get a text from Gemma. My blood turns cold when it isn't a text or anything with words.

It's a photo.

Of Gemma.

Tied up in a chair.

I glance in the background and see a window with someone in the reflection. I zoom in and see that it's David even though that I knew it could only be him to do that. He had a gun in his hand aiming it at Gemma.

A text then comes through from an unknown number.

Unknown: Say goodbye to your sister. I'll text you the address in a few hours to pick up her remains.

I want to vomit and I dry reach at the thought of him having Gemma and knowing what he's capable of. I'm lucky I didn't throw up that ginger shot I just had.

Stupid dumb asshole doesn't know that I know where he is thanks to me following Adam. I'm going to go there now. I'm not going to text anyone where I'm going incase they get there before me and cause a fuss which means David will know I'm there.

I'm doing this alone.

Going through every red light, swerving around pedestrians and slow cars, receiving beeps from every direction I make it to the hotel in eleven and a half minutes. I park around the corner so if David has his boys out they won't see my car. I put on my jacket, a fedora and some sunglasses so I am a little less recognisable.

Checking my surroundings and so far it's all clear. I make my way into the hotel. My phone rings in my pocket and I see that it's Ella. I was almost going to not answer it but she would think something is up if I don't.


"Harry, we were supposed to have lunch now are you still at the gym?" She sounds disappointed. I forgot all about the lunch, shit.

"Fuck I'm sorry. Rain check? Something came up no I'm not at the gym I just left." I know she will probably say she will meet me at the gym if I'm still there. She likes a cafe around the corner from the gym and would probably want to go there.

"Are you alright you sound puffed" she asks. I'm puffed because I'm racing around 100km per hour trying to get into the back entrance of this place so I can take the stairs. The elevators will be too noticeable if David or any of his guys are waiting by them.

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