50. A Fresh Start

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I slept through my alarm once again so I was five minutes late for work which is unlike me, but Tony isn't in today as he is in Vegas for a promoting event so I won't get into trouble for it.

"Miss Jackson, you're late." Zayn tries to imitate Ton'y voice, but I know him too well to know it's him. He hugs me from behind and I lift my hands and try to get his hair, but he catches my hands. "Not that hair."

"How's my favourite colleague?" I ask as we begin walking towards the lifts which take us to our fourth floor.

"He's great. Cold, but great." He rubs his arms to emphasise how cold he is.

"I know, I'm sick of this weather. Can summer come already?"

"I know right. How are you holding up? I don't know if I should tell you or not, but Niall rolled up with a hangover this morning saying he came straight from Harry's. You should see his suit, he's wearing Harry's and it so big on him." Zayn laughs, but he's the only one doing so. The events that I seen last night replay in my head and it angers me. I need to forget about this and him altogether.

"Yeah, well Harry can do whatever he wants now. We're done. For good."

"Wow wow wow Ella." Zayn holds his hands up in front of me. "What do you mean? I thought you were just having a break?"

"I don't want to talk about it, but maybe you should ask Niall about what happened last night." The lift opens and Zayn lets me go first. "Thanks."

"I'm taking you to lunch today. We haven't caught up since last year on a lunch. We used to go all the time." He presses number four and the lift doors close. The elevator is a mixture of Zayn's cologne and my perfume, his taking over mine as men always have stronger scents than women. I'm hoping I don't walk into my office with a big stack of papers on my desk. Hopefully David was kind enough to let me work on my article today.

"How's your article coming along?" I ask Zayn who is checking himself out in the mirror behind me in the elevator. Doesn't everyone do the same thing though? I mean, if there's a perfectly clear mirror in front of you, of course you're going to check yourself out.

"Pretty well actually. I only have a small article to write in this months section unlike you miss love bug." Zayn chuckles and I face palm.

"Why couldn't he give you this article?" I groan. "I hate love."

"Well maybe Tony could see into the future how you fall in love with Harry and have him break your heart."

"I'm not heart broken. I am angry. You know, it's made me think was I even in love with him in the first place?"

"Of course you were and still are."


"Yes Ella." Zayn frowns at me. "I'm right and you know it."

"Yeah true. I just wish I never fell for him so easily. I promised myself that I wouldn't."

"Sure you can promise your head that. But your heart has a mind of its own. Trust me, Perrie and I are already engaged and I purposed after one year of dating her. Everyone told us we were too young, but look we are still together and not planning a wedding anytime soon, but that's okay."

"I wish Harry was like you. You're honestly one of a kind." The elevator doors open and we both step out. Zayn of course being the gentleman he is letting me go first.

"We all have our good and bad habits, some more than others though. Boxer boy being one of them."

"I wish there was a way I could find out what the hell is wrong with him." I say and just as I say it, it's almost as if someone sprinkled fairy dust onto me because Niall comes out of Zayn's office.

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