29. Thirdwheel

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"Tell us everything Perrie" says as soon as I walk into the restaurant and to their table.

"Hello to you too." I tease, hugging and kissing the cheek of both Perrie and Zayn.

"Happy birthday Ella." Zayn hands me a pink bag as I take my seat across from the two of them.

"Thank you so much. You shouldn't have." I open the bag and a wrapped up box is inside of it along with a card. I open the card first and on the front is a puppy - my dream puppy to be exact. A Pomeranian. "This is adorable I love it."

"Sweetie, you haven't even got to the actual gift yet." Perrie laughs at me.

I unwrap the gift and a Michael Hill gift box is inside of it. I open the box to find a luminous pair of diamond earrings. "Guys" I hug the box to my chest. "Thank you so much, honestly you shouldn't have."

"We're glad you love them." Zayn stands up and leans across the table to hug me.

"Harry got me a diamond necklace and these will go wonderfully with them." I say and the minute I mention his name they grin at one another. "What?" I ask.

"How was your birthday date with Harry?" Perrie asks. "Tell me all and do not miss a thing."

"It wasn't a date." I remind her. "And it was actually really amazing. He spoilt me to bits." I tell them the whole story about all the notes and the hotel as well as how he spoilt me. I didn't tell them about what we did after we got home, but I told them how I spent the whole of yesterday recovering from my hangover.

"I wondered why you weren't in work. I called you like fifty times." Zayn laughs. "It was so weird not having you there."

"It was my first day off ever, except Sundays which is the only day I'm scheduled off every week."

"You're a workaholic that's what you are." Perrie takes a sip of her wine and I look infront of me to see I have one too. I was too caught up talking to even notice the glass of sparkling red wine infront of me.

"You're a full time hair dresser, you know how working six days a week is."

"Yeah, but I work six days one week, four the next and hours not as long as yours so it's different."

"Shall we order?" Zayn suggests and Perrie and I shout yes at the same time. Looking at the menu the roast dinner catches my attention. For entree I order some garlic bread, for my main I order the roast dinner and for dessert I order an oreo cheesecake. Just thinking of the food my stomach rumbles. I have been eating out so much recently but it's my birthday week so I deserve to be spoilt for once in my life.


Throughout the night my phone continues to buzz every five minutes. Perrie and Zayn smirk at one another every time it goes off because they know who all the messages are from. No one ever texts me and suddenly when I met Harry my phone always goes off.

"Has that boyfriend of yours got anymore fights coming up?" Zayn asks and I nod my head. "He isn't my boyfriend and he has had a couple recently and always has them weekly. And yes I will ask him if I can get you tickets."

"Thank you." Zayn cheers and Perrie laughs at her boyfriend.

"Would you by any chance be able to get Zayn and Liam the front row seats and I will come hang out backstage with you? I don't enjoy watching people getting hurt either."

"Will do." I tell her and she smiles in relief. I continue eating my roast, Perrie got the same as me and Zayn got a rump steak. "I can't wait for dessert." I drool over the thought of oreo cheescake. Two of my favourite things combined into one.

"Thank you guys for bringing me out tonight. I am paying by the way."

"No you aren't." Perrie is quick to say.

"I am paying. I am shouting my two favourite girls alright." Zayn grabs mine and Perrie's hands and kisses them.

"Next time you should invite Harry." Perrie wiggles her eyebrows. "We can double date."

"You know what, I will invite him next time." I love these guys to death but half the dinner has been spent with them having their tongue down one another's throat.

"Next week. I look forward to it." Zayn holds up his glass. "Let's drink to that." We all tap our wine glasses against one another and cheers each other before taking a sip of the luscious beverage.

You Again [h.s]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon