20. Bad Blood

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"I still can't believe I agreed to this." I glare at Zayn who is in the front seat driving. Perrie turns around and laughs at me whilst Zayn just shrugs it off.

"Believe it sweetheart because we're here now." Zayn cheerfully states. "You nervous?"

"Of course I am." I say rather harshly. "I'm afraid I'll be physically sick if I see blood and if that blood comes from Harry's body, I know I won't be able to handle it."

"If it gets too much for you, then I'll leave with you." Perrie tells me. "There's a spot!" She points to the vacant parking space to the right of us. Zayn holds his hand out for Perrie to high five. "That's my girl" he lovingly tells her.

"Thanks Pez, I appreciate that." I smile to myself. I know that if I leave though, Harry would probably pause his fight to come run after me. If it all gets too much for me I'll just put my earphones in, listen to music and pretend I'm interested in something on my phone. Harry should understand if I don't want to watch two people brutally hurt one other.

Once Zayn parks his BMW, all three of us get out and of course me being the third wheel am left walking slowly behind Zayn and Perrie who are arm in arm. "You two make me sick." I mumble loud enough for them to hear me. They stick their finger up at me in return. What a lovely couple.

"You'll be reunited with your lover any minute now love, so don't feel too lonely for yourself." Zayn says. Even though he's not facing me I can still see him smirking by the way the back of his neck creases.

The night has come and the moon is dim above us. Faint snickers of cicadas are heard as well as other insects that I can't quite identify. The announcers are speaking over the microphones inside the stadium and the crowds are already roaring. The butterflies inside my stomach are so harsh that I'm afraid my knees are going to buckle in. If I'm this nervous, imagine Harry. Even if he doesn't show it, he will experience some type of excruciating pain tonight.

"Ella." Perrie waves her hands infront of my face. Her black lined blue eyes widen with confusion as I finally focus on her. "I've been talking to you for a good thirty seconds now and you probably didn't even hear a thing. Is someone on your mind?"

"No, sorry I was just thinking about work." Good lie Ella.

"I'm sure you were." Perrie rolls her eyes. "I'm getting sodas, what would you like?"

"I'll have a pink lemonade please."

"Coming right up darl." She pecks my cheek and walks off with Zayn. "We'll meet you in there!" She calls as Zayn hurriedly pulls her away. Why are they in such a rush? When I catch Zayn waving at someone I look into the same direction and instantly find out why they were in such a hurry to leave.

"You did come!" His face is bright with passion, rural curls are pulled back into a messy bun and my favourite kind of dimpled cheeks are pulled into a smile. "I'm so glad you're here." He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. He smells so good and he's so warm. This is an instant calming remedy for my nerves.

"Of course I came. A promise is a promise. I never break promises Harry." I hug him back and push back one of the curls that have fallen into his forehead. "How are you?"

"I'm better now." He grins, lowering his hands down my back, but never letting me go.

"That was so cheesy Styles."

"How dairy you tease my quirky lines." His jaw drops as he acts offended.

"Do you want me to turn around and leave because if you continue with these corny jokes I won't hesitate to." I find his hands on my back and try to unclasp them from around me.

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