53. Internal Bleeding

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Jacko drove me to the hospital last night. It's currently 2am and they're still operating on Harry. The last time I seen him was when he got taken into the ambulance and he was a mess. His chances weren't good at all.

"How long does surgery take?" I groan, sick and tired of waiting. Every doctor I ask just points to the waiting room and tells me to let the doctors do their job.

"Ella, I know you're stressing out but surgeries can take hours." Jacko puts his hand on mine which is on my thigh. "Do you need some food or water? You didn't have dinner last night and must be starving."

"I'm not hungry." I tell him, hoping he hasn't heard my tummy rumbling this past hour or so. "It's just making those noises because I feel sick."

"Yeah sure." He chuckles. "I'll get you a coffee." He stands up and walks towards the lifts where the cafeteria is on another floor. I must admit, he's been really good to me. I know him and Harry don't like each other, but for Jacko to be here with me really makes me think that I have my old friend back.

I send a quick text to Gemma. I tried calling her when I was on my way to the hospital but her phone was off.

To Gemma: hey Gem, I'm sorry to be calling and texting you at this ungodly hour, but you might want to come to the hospital. Harry was shot and is being operated on now. I'm here now.

"Are you here for Harry styles?" A man with a light blue doctors hat on and stethoscope around his neck comes towards me.

"Yes, how is he?" I stand up eagerly and walk towards the man.

"We almost lost him. There was internal bleeding due to how deep the bullet wound was, but we managed to remove the bullet and operate around that area to ensure the wounded area is stitched up and certain areas have been removed."

I feel like so much weight has been lifted off my chest and I hold onto it as I thank the doctor. "Thank you so much. So he will be okay?"

"Yes-" I sigh in relief, but I shouldn't have spoke to soon. "For now he is stable. The next twenty four hours will be critical, but we will keep a close eye on him."

"Okay and you mentioned areas removed?"

"Yes." He nods his head and looks down at his clip board. "We had to remove a large area of Mr Styles' lower abdomen in which the bullet wound was." He pauses and I nod my head. Can the guy please get to the point. "Which means that Mr Styles fertility has reduced and he may be unable to conceive."

"He won't be able to have kids?" My hands go to my mouth. He didn't say it was definite though. "Can you please be honest with me here."

"It's not impossible, but highly unlikely. I'm very sorry-?"


"I'm very sorry Ella." He pats me on the shoulder.

"Okay, well can I see him?" I see Jacko in the corner of my eye step out of the lift. He has a smile on his face with two coffees in hand. He probably thinks the news is good - but it's not.

"He's asleep now and needs time to recover, but we will call you when he's awake and you can come in."

"Thank you." I say and the doctor nods at me before walking away.

"You aren't crying, so I take it he's all good?" Jacko places my coffee in my hands.

"Thank you." I slightly smile at him, but I'm not in the mood for happiness. "He's fine now, but he had internal bleeding and the doctor said the nest twenty four hours will be critical." It's none of my business to tell Jacko that he may have problems conceiving so I left that part out.

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