32. Wedding

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Today is the big day. I am getting married.









... A/N : JUST KIDDING LOL wanted to scare you guys. Continue reading. 

Today is the big day. My cousin Sienna is getting married and Harry is accompanying me as my fake boyfriend to fit in with all the rich people Sienna knows. Harry and I do have feelings for one another, so it's not like I have hired a stranger to be my boyfriend who I don't know anything about. It is Harry and we do all sorts of things couples do, except Harry hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and I have no idea if he ever will. 

Harry is dressed in a tuxedo. A rarity for him besides the night of my birthday. He looks amazing and his outfit is topped with a fedora and some sort of feather ornament sits in his hat. He said it's cool, so I just went along with it. I am just grateful that he is here with me for this special event. I am wearing a salmon coloured dress and heels with my hair off of my face in a half up, half down kind of look with my hair accessorised at the back. It was freezing cold waiting outside though, so I am glad I was smart enough to wear a cardigan.

The cardigan didn't last long though because Harry spotted a photo booth and pulled me into it. It was very heated in the confined space especially when Harry insisted because we are a couple that we kiss inside the photo booth. The first photo we smiled casually, in the second we pulled faces, the third photo was when Harry and I were caught off guard staring at each other and the fourth one onwards were of us kissing. We had no idea six pictures were going to be taken, but as I look at them I think they are pretty cute and I like them. I slip them into my clutch and Harry's jaw drops.

"I wanted them." He pouts his bottom lip.

"You're a guy Harry, don't guys usually just throw them out when they get home."

"Not the special photos we don't."

"How about I use the magazine printers at work to get you a copy exactly like this, smooth finish and all."

"Done deal." He kisses the top of my head and intertwines our hands. I look at him confusedly and he chuckles. "Ella, if I am going to be your fake boyfriend, then I am going to be holding your hand and kissing you. It's apart of the deal."

"Fine." I give in and clutch onto his arm with my other hand. We walk into the reception room and I spot my worst nightmare. Margret. When I seen her those few weeks ago she had nothing to say to me except judge my outfit. What's she going to say when she sees Harry, will she judge him too?

"Why is everyone kissing her hand, is the the queen or something?" Harry asks me. I have to hold in my laughter. She thinks she's the queen.

"You have to kiss her hand too, Harry," I whisper yell into his ear as we approach Margret. "She's old school like that." 

"Fuck no, I'm not doing that." He looks down at me, nose scrunched up. He looks so cute like that. Like a little boy who has just seen the sight of his parents kissing infront of him.

"Harry just do it, be polite and save me a lecture on why I should've brought a better boyfriend to her sons wedding."

"Boyfriend hey?" He smirks at me.

"Shut up, that's what you are today alright, my boyfriend and not just some guy I met at a party a month ago." I look down at our hands that are slightly brushing each other.

"Well I guess if I'm your boyfriend then we should do this." He connects his lips with mine and sparks fly through my body. He smirks at me and brushes his hand over my heated cheek. He knows I'm blushing and he's using that to his advantage. Cocky asshole.

"Margret seen you do that.." I roll my eyes.

"Well she is lucky I'm here, I'm saving you a lecture from miss stick up her arse over there." He points to Margret and I stifle my laughter.

"You better kiss her hand Harry, it'll take two seconds. Just say hello, smile and let me do the rest of the talking." I know he won't listen to me, he will say a smart ass comment to Margret I just know it.

"Fuck that, I'm not kissing that wrinkly thing. Who knows where her hands have been."

"Harry do you always have to take things the wrong way?" I sigh.

"I wasn't taking it the wrong way. I was referring her to having her hands in a dirty garden or something. I don't know what you thought I was thinking Elouise." He mocks, using that name I hate.

"You meant it the wrong way and you know it, Harold." The last word throws him off guard and he pokes his tongue out at me.

"Alright, you caught me." That famous smirk makes its way back into his face. We soon approach Margret and when she finishes looking me up and down, probably pointing out all my flaws, she turns to Harry and does the same to him. Harry is flawless though unlike me, but knowing Margret she will point out something.

"Hello Margret." I kiss her hand as she offers it out to me. "You look lovely."

"Thanking you. You have a cotton thread hanging from your handbag by the way." She looks down at my purse. I quickly rip it off and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Margie hi, Ella here has told me so much about you." He picks up her hand and thankfully kisses it.

"And who might you be?" She looks him up and down.

"I am Harry Styles, Ella's boyfriend." My heart skips as the word rolls off of his tongue. Boyfriend.

"Well Elouise, you certainly have picked a charming young man." She smiles at Harry. She Smiled! She never smiles. 

"Well, I expect to share a dance with you later on Margie." Harry smirks at me, then looks back at Margret. 

"I look forward to it." She smiles again and I almost fall over at the sight. She never smiles and here Harry is making her smile twice. 

"She wants me." Harry whispers in my ear and I hit his arm.

"You're an idiot." I say, laughing. This man never seizes to amaze me. 

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