79. Going Away Party

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Standing in the midst of the dance floor of the party, Harry waves to the Dj and taps on his glass a few times to get everyone's attention. He begins by thanking everyone for coming out tonight and cracking a few jokes. He then suddenly turns to me, quite seriously. 

"I was playing a certain game with this beautiful girl a little while ago. None of you will probably understand the rest of this sentence, but Ella I believe I have one final question to ask you from that game." As I remember back to that night, the memories flood into my mind. I also remember he used one of his two remaining questions to ask me if I would be his girlfriend. I found it so cute and so clever and have always wondered if he purposely only asked me nineteen questions that night to save two for these important times. 

Everyone then gasps and and whispers to one another, but all eyes remain fixated on Harry and I.

I look at the man I love, a huge smile spread wide across my face as I know what is about to happen. Harry drops down onto one knee and pulls something out of the pocket of his jacket. I just thought he had loose change, a credit card or something in his pocket that he didn't want to lose as he kept checking his pocket constantly. It didn't even occur to me that it could be a ring. He holds the box up to me and opens it. "My beautiful, humorous, passionate, caring, did I mention beautiful Ella... I would love nothing more than for you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

Everyone gasps once again and a few 'aww'. I nod my head and smile with tears in my eyes. The happiest tears I have ever shed. "Yes Harry, yes I would be honoured to be your wife" I hold his hand and he slips the ring onto my finger. He stands back to his feet and we share one of our most passionate kisses. Usually I get shy with so many people watching our PDA, but this is different and I can't help but kiss this gorgeous man again. 


A couple of hours, a few cocktails and many congratulations later, Harry and I begin saying goodbye to our closest friends as our going away party nears its end. Perrie, Taylor, Niall and believe it or not Liam helped us organise it. I was never the biggest fan of Liam, but tonight especially I can say he has grown on me. 

I would be lying if I said I was one hundred percent happy about moving away. I am ninety nine percent happy, but in that one percept is misery as I am leaving behind a small, but wonderful group of friends who played a pivotal role in turning my life from a huge disaster, to a miracle. Everyone I have grown to love is here tonight. 

Harry even managed to get in contact with my boss, Tony's ex wife Mrs Smith who gave me a job at the news agency when I was at my lowest point. That was my first job in New York and look where I am today. Engaged!

"If someone would have told me that shy, traumatised young girl that would fear every customer that looked at her the wrong way in my old shop, I would have hit them over the head and told them to stop telling me choppers." Mrs Smith pauses and places a hand on my shoulder. "But Ella you have grown so much and have found yourself a wonderful man. Keep ahold of him he seems special."

"I think I will keep ahold of him. I am marrying him" I say and we both laugh. "I know you won't believe me, but I would not be where I am today, nor half the woman I am without you being there for me all those years ago. It seems like so long ago, but four years flies by."

"You are such a special girl who I would have done that for in a heart beat. Not many people are as strong as you - to go through what you have, Ella you are wonder woman."

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