33. Just Date Me

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"I can't believe it's christmas in a few days." I say to Harry through my phone. We are currently facetiming, we have been everyday since the wedding. I enjoyed that day and being Harry's girlfriend made me feel some type of way, even if it was only fake. Everyone brought the act and even Harry and I got invited to a get together for boxing day which I'm sure we will attend. 

"I know." He mumbles, only paying half of his attention to me. He is on his laptop whilst he facetimes me on his phone and the laptop lights up his beautiful face in the darkness of his bedroom. What has him so distracted on that laptop?

"I haven't even gone christmas shopping yet." I groan, flopping back on my bed. "The month of December has just slipped away from me."

"Mhm." He continues to pay full attention to his laptop and I decide to take this opportunity to change into my pyjamas. About a minute later I come back to my phone on my bed to see Harry with his eyes still fixated to his laptop.

"Harry!" I shout and he instantly looks at me.

"You changed clothes." He asks me confusedly. His eyes remain on me for about five seconds until he goes back to his laptop. 

"Yeah and I did it infront of this camera, but you were too busy looking at your laptop so you missed the show." 

"Are you fucking kidding me." I see his neck tense and his eyebrows furrow together as he finally looks at me once again. "I don't believe you. Do it again."

"Na-ah Mr Styles." I make a clicking noise with my tongue. 

"Man you leave me sexually frustrated sometimes."

"And why is that?" I ask him seductively as I move my face closer to the screen, fully aware that my low cut pyjama top is in his full view. 

"Because I want you so bad, but-"

"But what?" I can see his eyes on my breasts and I continue to move my phone closer, my face is now out of the camera view. 

"But I have too much respect for you and you deserve better. Not better than me because that is clearly not possible, but I cannot provide you with what you want."

"And what is that?"

"A relationship." He says and I move the camera back to my face. "A boyfriend who can always be there for you and buy you flowers and chocolates when you're feeling sad. That's not me, El."

"Yeah and that sucks for you Harry, because I may have had two wines to myself tonight and could really use some company of a boyfriend right now. Too bad I don't have one though." I mock him and he rolls his beautiful green eyes and I laugh at how easily I can get to him even though I am only teasing him. "And I don't want a boyfriend who will shower me with gifts because that's not what I expect in a relationship. I want someone who I can talk to when I need to get something off my chest, go on dates with, facetime when we are both busy, to cuddle with at nighttime and to kiss whenever I want. Not to mention someone to spend christmas with so I am not alone every year."

"You're alone for christmas?" His eyes widen. "And you can do all those things with me." He smiles.

"Yeah, but what if someone else comes along who can give me all those things too. What if I grow a liking to them. What will I say, yes I am single but I can't date you because I am not-so-dating-dating my friend."

"Ella, please shut up." The tone in his voice sounds livid, but his accent makes it sound like anything but a profanity. 

"It's the truth Harry. Why don't you just give it a try. What will be so bad about dating me anyway?"

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