Chapter 1 Away

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Emberly POV

"Ten minutes until we arrive, Miss," the bus driver's words pulled me out of my thoughts. I sat still, staring out of the window with a heavy heart. My flight from Los Angeles had landed an hour ago, leaving me with a sense of loneliness that seemed to cling onto me. As I spotted the bus outside the airport, a tiny glimmer of hope sparked within me.My name is Emberly Swan, I'm just 19 years old. Coming all the way to New York was my only option, far away from the memories that continue to haunt my soul. My heart aches for Los Angeles, the city where I was born and raised. But alas, I cannot return. The shadows from my past lurk there, and I fear to confront them.

Alright, let's get real here - my taste buds would pack up and leave if they were denied spicy cuisine. And if I'm being honest, my mind has been fixated on my favorite street food since I touched down in the Big Apple.Listen, I don't know jack about my parents. My upbringing was basically one long nightmare with my aunt in LA. She treats me worse than a used-up doormat. And to top it off, her daughter Delilah almost sent me to meet my maker when she attacked me.The scars on my hand and stomach may have faded, but my memories of that incident are still fresh as a daisy.Oh, and don't even get me started on my uncle. That man is downright repulsive - constantly hurling insults at me and making me want to hurl. I swear, if I dwell on it too long I'll have to shake my head vigorously just to erase those images from my mind.

Right now, my mind can't handle thinking about them, and I don't want to revisit those thoughts again in the future.As I looked up at the towering apartment building, my heart was full of both excitement and uncertainty about the future that awaited me there.I understand how difficult it must be for you to stay in that place. You deserve to be in a better environment where you can feel safe and at peace.These memories are painful, and it's understandable if you want to keep them hidden away where they can no longer hurt you.

When I stepped out of the cab, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the small bag of belongings I had with me, as well as the support of my cousin brother Asher. His kindness and protection have been a source of comfort during difficult times. Since I was an infant, he's been the only brother I've ever known. He's my savior, the one I can always contact when I'm in need. He's not just the best brother in the world, but he's my support system, and I can't imagine life without him. It was Asher who made it possible for me to travel from Los Angeles to here, away from those people who caused me so much fear and anxiety. With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath and counted from one to four. Though I felt like I was on the verge of losing myself again, I tried to regain my composure. Asher's presence in my life has always been reassuring, and the thought of his absence sends shivers down my spine. A sense of relief washed over me as my phone rang. I picked it up, and to my relief, I heard Asher's concerned voice asking if I had arrived safely. "I'm here," I told him, trying to sound confident, "and everything will be alright because you're always there for me."

"Ah, leave it," he moaned dramatically. "How can I possibly survive knowing my precious sister is gallivanting around with total strangers in a place unknown?" I rolled my eyes. "For the hundredth time, Ash, I'll be fine."My brother's distress made my heart heavy, but I couldn't let go of my dreams. It would be difficult, but I had to try even if it meant going alone.
"Bear with me, Asher. I promise I'll be fine," I assured him, hoping to ease his concerns.In response, his voice held a glimmer of hope. "I'll transfer more funds to your account in two days, and I'll also help you find a decent place. I want you to be comfortable, sis."My lips curled into a smile, grateful for my caring brother's constant support."Asher, you've already done so much for me. Please don't stress yourself anymore. I'll manage, and I'll make you proud," I said warmly, touched by his unconditional love.

"Hey sis, please don't talk like that again. You know how much I care for you, right? You're not just my little sister, but my responsibility and my lovely little angel. It's only natural for me to be worried about you. I miss our childhood spent together in LA with our amazing friends." As I remembered those special moments, my eyes teared up.I put my phone on silent and tried to hold back my tears. I didn't want my brother to feel bad if he heard me cry. "I'll give you a call later bro, I'm sure there's a motel around here somewhere. And don't worry about me, I'll be okay," I assured him before hanging up.

Once I stepped off the bus, lo and behold, a hotel towered above me on New York's Central Road. As I sauntered closer, a chap cozied up to the reception counter, nose deep in the daily news. Well, I spotted a placard with the hotel's name on his table, therefore, it was safe to assume he was the receptionist. Trying to get his attention, I cleared my throat, hoping the universe would have my back during this tumultuous time. Finally, he lifted his gaze to meet mine. "I require lodging for a week," I stated, desperately calling upon any deity that happened to be listening. And voilà, he nodded in acquiescence."Excuse me, do you mind if I could see your ID card?" the receptionist asked, and with a smile, I quickly took out my card from my backpack.

After completing the check-in process, he handed me the key to my room. I was glad that the hotel rates were reasonable, and I didn't have to break the bank.As I unlocked the door to my room, I let out a sigh of relief to find that it was neat and charming.

In addition to that, there's a cozy workstation right beside the bed

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In addition to that, there's a cozy workstation right beside the bed.Although it's just a small suitcase and my trusty backpack, I swiftly put away my belongings.As soon as my computer boots up, I head to Google to hunt for job openings in this area.Thankfully, after just two hours of browsing, I stumble upon a waitress position at a cafe that's a short twenty-minute stroll away.I mentally give myself a pat on the back, believing that this is my moment to shine and seize an amazing opportunity. However, my body and mind are worn out, causing my eyelids to feel heavy.Deciding that it's best to listen to my body, I take a nap and hope that tomorrow will be the start of a fresh new beginning.

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