Chapter 13 Strange

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Song for the chapter Ishq wala love

I gasped as he pulled me closer to him as my chest pressed against his hard, stone-like chest and I could feel my legs trembling so badly from my rapid breathing. "Come with me, or I will take you right here, I don't care who will see us or peoples are present here," he growled in my ear while staring at my exposed cleavage. His hands clenched into fists as I felt my cheeks getting warm from his intense stare.

I was about to exit my side door when he opened it after stopping his car in front of the mansion. However, he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside instead.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

I whimpered as I struggled to wrench my hand free of his firm hold, "Stop it, now, I come with you as you commanded me now stop dragging me."

He immediately carried me over his shoulder, and I noticed his arousal from there as he ascended steps before I could comprehend anything.

Just put me down. I punched him in the back with my clenched hand, but he didn't even budge, like he was made of stone and didn't feel anything.

When he finally entered his bedroom and threw me on the bed, I felt queasy and my stomach was in my chest.

Before I could get out of bed, he pinned my hands over the mattress and sighed, "You shouldn't have done this.

When he kissed the tender region behind my ear that made my legs violently shake, I gasped and shut my eyes.

I was not wearing lingerie because my dress had a deep low cut, so I moaned and fisted my hands tightly while grabbing his shoulders. When he traced his hand over my body, even in my most intimate parts of my body, I screamed and grabbed his shoulders. He said, "You are mine, no one has any right to see your body than me, every inch of your body is mine."

"A...Adrian....," As he was skilfully stroking over me with his enticing tongue and fingers, making me feel like I was on cloud nine, I muttered his name under my breath.

I pulled away from his suit jacket as I unbuttoned his white shirt underneath it, my breath quickened as I saw him, I ran my fingers over his well-sculpted body like Greek God, is in front of me, I threw my head back with my closed eyes as he kissed my chest and his hands grabbed my butt, squeezing it so hard, making me whimper so loudly, "I own you, every inch of your skin," he growled.

But before we can proceed, he stopped in his position, and I opened my eyes to stare at him with his hands inside of me and mine still on his chest.

He turned away from me after looking into my eyes, his brows furrowed with an odd expression.

He hurriedly changed into his shirt and left the bedroom before I had a chance to respond.

"Good day, mama," She and Skylar were having breakfast when I sat down across from her in the dining room and said hello.

Mom kissed my cheek and said, "Good morning, baby."

Before she could finish, her mother quickly snapped her head at her and she stopped in mid-sentence, becoming quite. "So, tell me what happened after he brought you here; this is the first time I saw my brother being possessive like this for someone he never did like this for anyone, not even for.

Mom reprimanded her, "Girl, quit this habit of yours of blabbing anything without when thinking."

Skylar mumbled with a hunched back, "I'm sorry, mom."

As my mother gazed at me, I cocked my head to the side, pursed my lips, and asked, "What was that?"

Mom said me, "Nothing serious, honey don't worry about it; just concentrate on your and Adrian's relationship right now; think of ways to get his attention; strive to get recognised by him; do whatever you can."

I bit my lip and continued, "But mom, I don't think so, it is needed, and I am happy with our current connection."

And after yesterday's incident, I want him more than anything. I desperately want to feel his amazing, delectable lips over me once more, all over my body.
Mom clutched her fork so tightly I could see tears in her eyes. She murmured, "I can't see him like that, he is my son, he keeps working all day without living his life like one has to, without any emotions, I can't see my son like that, like stone and so cold without my emotions in it.

I swiftly covered her clinched fist with my hand.
I assured her, "Mom, it's all right."

"No it's not okay, Emberly you know yesterday I had a ray of hope to bring my Adrian back to me, to set him free from this frigid behaviour," she shook her head while wiping away her tears, taking hold of my hand.

"Promise me, that you will bring my Adrian back. My son is lost due to some horrible memories, but yesterday, I saw how much of an impact you have on him. He can't picture you with any other man, which proves that he has feelings for you," she added while clutching my hands and grinning dimpledly.

Hearing her comments caused severe shaking in my limbs and a parched tongue.

Mom must be assuming that he has affections for me, but that's impossible, never

We can speak anything beforehand.

Adrian's father approaches us,
I greeted him, "Good morning, Dad."

Dad gave me a smile and a dimpled peck on the cheek as he smooched Mom's cheeks. Skylar hugged Dad and wished him a good morning.

Adrian arrived in the dining area wearing a dark blue and maroon tuxedo.

I swallowed heavily since my head felt light and I was currently feeling really dizzy.

I felt like the blood in my veins was frozen as he sat next to me, making my heart race.

Adrian's father informed him, "Son, you are travelling to Paris next week right, as you will be head of the board of Elites so, you will attend the event there."

"Yes, dad, I'll be there the following week,"

I looked beside me as I suddenly heard the fork chatter.

As she gazed at us, Mom's eyes had an inner glow to them.

She half-shrugged and looked at me with a teasing grin, saying, "Son, Emberly will also going there with you."

My mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out, so I peered at Adrian as my eyes widened at her.

who is scowling at me, He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth, saying, "No, mom, I don't think it is necessary."

Skylar responded, "Why not bro, it's a great idea."

So, it's official, Emberly and you are travelling to Paris the following week," Mom remarked, grasping my hands and beaming brightly in my direction.

Adrian's muscles stiffened as I turned to face him; his eyes were closed and his jaw was tensed.

"Mom, I don't think Adrian wants to take me there, it's okay, just cancel it," I leaned in her direction. I spoke softly to her when she was sulking.

"Don't worry beautiful, I know my son, and trust me you won't get a more reliable chance than this, just go to Paris with him, it's like your romantic honeymoon with him, accompany him, just use every tactic, you can to attract him towards you, just distract him from this workaholic nature of his, and I know only you can do it, you remember your promise right," Mom said to me while holding my hand, and I nodded while looking at my hand.

I simply hope that I can honour my commitment to Mom.

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