Chapter 3 The pain

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Song for the chapter Life goes on by BTS

1 month later

One month later

I grinned at the customer and handed him his bag of pastries and coffee. "Thank you so much, sir. Come back anytime!"I've been working at this café for a month now, and I absolutely love it. My colleagues are so friendly and welcoming, making my workdays enjoyable. However, I can't seem to shake off the memory of the deep, husky voice of the car owner whose vehicle I accidentally damaged. It's like his voice has taken over my thoughts, distracting me even when I don't want it to. And to make matters worse, my brother Asher hasn't been taking my calls for a week now, and I'm getting worried."Hey, Emberly, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Mrs. Glint asked me with a warm smile.

"Of course, Bernice," I replied with genuine concern. "I hope our delivery boy feels better soon. And yes, I can definitely go and deliver the order. I know how important it is for our customers to receive their food on time, especially in this beautiful yet expensive city." Thanks to this job, I have been able to afford a rented apartment and live comfortably without lacking basic necessities. My apartment may not have fancy furniture, but it's perfect for me as it has a living room, a bedroom, and a kitchen. Most of my day is spent at the cafe, and my weekends are spent relaxing in my apartment. So, I understand how crucial it is to have a consistent income. I'll make sure to deliver the cookies and pastry to the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Sky with utmost care and attention."

As I accepted the packet from her, I couldn't help but think of ways to brighten her day. "Sure, why not," I replied with a smile. My mind also wandered to the friendly delivery boy, Poor Sky, who I recently befriended. I promised myself that I would visit him in the hospital after I deliver these cookies to him.As I pedaled on my second-hand bike, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my kind neighbor who sold it to me at such a reasonable price. With my wireless Bluetooth earphones connected, I played 'One Last Time' by Ariana Grande on my phone, a comforting jam that helped me stay uplifted during my deliveries.

My last stop was at the luxurious Cosmopolitan hotel, one of the Seven-star hotels owned by the prestigious Campbell Empires. Though I had never been interested in the owner, Adrian Campbell, or his company, I had read about them in magazines and newspapers. I couldn't imagine what it must be like to live a life of such luxury and fame. 

It is truly remarkable to see the extensive scope of their business ventures. They have a stake in a multitude of airlines, as well as software companies. On top of that, they own luxurious seven-star hotels, which are a testament to their grandeur. Although primarily a construction company, they also distribute tenders for shopping malls, water parks, resorts, and other important projects. In addition, I came across an article stating that today is the day of their marriage to Sarah Winston, daughter of billionaire Gabriel Winston.As I arrived on my bicycle, I was hesitant to enter the grand hotel premises as I anticipated resistance from the watchman. While waiting outside, I couldn't help but gawk at the glamourous fashion and jewelry adorning a woman who pulled up in her car. She looked like a supermodel, with a perfect figure and clothes, and was accompanied by a man in an equally stunning suit. It was not just them; many other people wearing expensive attire were heading into the hotel, most of them celebrities. If it weren't for my delivery purpose, I would have loved to take selfies with them.As I finally reached the entrance gate of the stunning Campbell Empires seven-star hotel, I couldn't help but sigh in awe. This luxurious haven was a sight to behold, with its exquisite architecture and opulent aura. The team of guards surrounding it made me a little apprehensive, but I remained determined to enter.Straightening my denim jacket and running my hands over my black jeans, I prepared myself to face the security check. As I approached the entrance, the guard asked me in a monotonous voice why I was there. With a quick flick of my fingers, I presented the email from a customer who had ordered refreshments from our café, and the guard nodded and unblocked my way.Entering the hotel, I couldn't believe my luck. Being in such a luxurious five-star hotel was beyond my imagination. I had always been confined to the storeroom where I lived, never allowed to venture outside unless it was for school or coaching classes, or visiting a handful of selected friends.Looking around in awe, I couldn't help but be persuasive in my thoughts. This experience had opened my eyes to a whole new world, and I knew that I wanted to explore more. The possibilities were endless, and the sky was the limit. Who knows what other exciting adventures await me? Now that I am here, I am ready for anything!

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