Chapter 38 The Truth

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Emberly POV

When I opened my eyes, I saw Mom sitting next to my bed, Skylar pacing, and Dad looking extremely concerned. I felt someone's hand caressing my head in a caring manner.

"She'll be a good doctor, right?" Even from Mom's voice, it was clear that she was quite concerned.

Dad asked the doctor, "How's the doctor? Is there something serious?"

She'll be fine, and don't worry, Mr. Campbell, the internal bleeding in her body can be healed with medicines and light liquid food. Just make sure she doesn't eat hard food and always eat light liquid food for at least three months, as the chances of healing her internal bleeding are higher with it. Please make sure she eats light and green vegetables, as her internal injuries can be healed more quickly by medicines and green light food," the doctor told him, and he nodded.

"She's awake," Skylar chirped when she noticed me.

Everyone was looking at me. Skylar quickly approached the bed where I was lying.

"Em, how're you feeling, my girl?" Mom asked me while I was trying to drag my body upwards.

Mom helped me to do so while Dad put the pillow beside the headboard of the bed where I'm laying.

I nodded at them and looked around to find Adrian. Where was he? Why was he not here? and who brought me here? All I remember was that I went to confront my uncle, and he was abusing and saying nonsense about my parents and also called me a whore. Then I lost my mind there and I also don't know how and where this dare came on me, but I almost killed him by beating the hell of him.

Adrian, I want nothing more than him now. He's my everything, my world, my first love. Did he even know how much I'm dying on him, how much I love him?

Should I tell him about my feelings? What if he rejects me or hates me after I tell him about my feelings? About my love for him

What if he never wants to see my face?

Why this silly damm love is so difficult. It's not difficult to fall in love, but it is difficult to tell someone that you love that you can live without them.

My uncle, aunt, and Deliah are also no longer in my life; what will happen now in our marriage? My hands began to tremble violently; this cannot be happening.


I wiped away my tears as I was sitting in the living room, waiting for Asher, my brother.

Finally, today I'll meet him.

My brother, my partner in crime in everything, he's the world's best brother.

I quickly stood when I saw Asher coming into the mansion. He was the same as the last time I saw him.

He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a blue leather jacket with white shorts and black jeans.

Even so, there's a spark in his face, which I never saw as he hates his family because they always used to torture and bully me.

"Em," he whispered when his eyes met mine, and I quickly ran towards him and hugged him very tightly, a real bone-crushing hug.

"Bro," I cried, and he ran his hands through my hair, oblivious to the wetness on my shoulders.

Who said that boys never cry? They also feel emotions.

Crying doesn't mean a person is weak; it means a person has a heart.

"Em, I'm very sorry, because if you want me, you have to tolerate so much pain," he said while a tear came out of his eyes again.

I quickly wiped away his tears. "No bro, there's nothing like that. Please don't say this again," I said.

Finally, they're out of our lives, "he smiled, and I nodded."

"Bro, come to have a seat," I said, and we both sat on the couch.

"See, I've made your favorite, chocolate cookies with red velvet cupcakes." I quickly took the tray of cupcakes and handed it to him.

My mom told me that my brother Adrian is coming to meet me and I can't even express how overwhelmed I felt after hearing that. I made his favourite chocolate cookies and cupcakes. Finally, I will be meeting my brother after all.

"How are you?" he asked me, and I looked at him as I was serving his favourite cupcakes on his plate.

"Amazing, I'm so happy here," I told him, looking into his eyes.

"And him, your husband, did he treat you right?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

I nodded, "He cares so much about me, even though you don't know Asher, but can you believe he took me to my dream place, Paris," he laughed, and I remembered sitting in the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower with my husband, which was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

"You don't even know how relieved I'm after hearing this," he laughed.

"So, how's your girlfriend and your baby? Didn't you want to show his picture to his aunt?" I chirped while clapping my hands.

He laughed and quickly took out his phone. "We got married two months ago, and last week Sarah also gave birth to a baby boy,"

and I looked at their baby boy, aka my nephew's picture. He's so small and pink and very cute, my heart squeezed just by looking at the pic of the newborn.

"Why didn't you bring him and Sarah here with you?" I pouted.

"The doctor told her to take bed rest for at least two weeks because there were also some complications before she gave birth. It would affect her health too if she didn't take rest,"

"Oh, but you will bring her, once she will be fine, promise me," and he happily held my hand, promising me

"For God's sake, you're only 19 years old, which is far too young," he said.

I smiled, "Are you serious? I'm in love with him."

"What if you fall in love? My little sister is already in love," he asked with wide eyes, and I nodded cheekily.

"He's the best thing that happened to me. Not only him but his mom and dad and his sister Skylar, who's the same age as mine, adores and loves me so much. I think my parents too can't be able to love me this much as they did to me, and I don't care about the age, I'm happy and that's all that matters," I chirped.

"Wow, this is the best news ever for a brother," that his little sister finally got that love and happiness she had been waiting for.

"He ran his hand through my hair, caressing it."

"But. I don't know about Adrian. Did he also love me or not? " I clutched the hem of my shirt to the floor, wondering if he would divorce me now that everything was fine.

"He's in love with you," Asher said, and I stared at him, frozen in place.

"W... what?" I could feel my hands trembling so badly and even my throat felt so dry.

"Yes Em, he's in love with you." Asher again said that

"How's..." I shook my head, even though I felt a flutter in my tummy.

"I met him before, some weeks ago,

He asked me about Dad and wanted to know why you felt so uneasy and scared when you found him here in New York, and I told him everything, how they used to torture you, abuse you, everything," he sighed.

Oh, I remember when Skylar and I went shopping. I saw my uncle that day when I was sitting in her car, and how scared I was after that.

So, does it mean Adrian knows everything about me, about my painful past too?

"Does it mean he knew everything?" Asher nodded.

"You should tell him that you're in love with him before it's too late." He keeps his hand on my shoulder.

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