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After seeing Karn groveling, moping and being grumpy that none of his two brothers "like playing" with him, Pandu and Kunti finally decided that maybe it was time to give him the third brother whose likes and hobbies will hopefully match with Karn's. 

The two of them walked towards the clearing on the cliff with Kunti being more closer to the edge. Both of them joined their hands, pressing them together and started praying with Kunti chanting the mantra, invoking Indra Dev. Soon, thunders filled the sky and slowly the God of rains materialized in front of them.

Kunti and Pandu opened their eyes and looked at him who blessed them. The wife and husband bowed their heads in respect.

"I am pleased by your prayers, Kunti. On Sage Durvasa's command, I've come to bless you with a son" said Lord Indra.

"I am very grateful to you, Dev Indra. The way you are the greatest demigod, the same way I want my son to be the greatest among the human beings" said Kunti.

"Your wish will be fulfilled, Kunti" said the rain god making both Kunti and Pandu smile gratefully.

"Your son will be renowned among the human kind. The way I am the basis of heaven's potential, similarly your son will be the basis of Earth's potential. He will be physically very strong. He will be the most determined. His heart will melt when he sees humans in misery. He will be very soft-hearted and due to his kind heart that is his generosity, the whole world will know him as Arjun" said the king of heaven and blessed them.

A baby then materialized in Kunti's arms and she cradled him in awe, with a beautiful smile on her face and kissed the baby's forehead. Pandu thanked Lord Indra, bowing his head. The rain god blessed them and disappeared. 


A year has passed since Arjun was born. The four brothers have bonded well, so far with Madri spoiling all of them rotten. One day, Madri was cooking Lunch for everyone when suddenly, her mind went back to what she saw hours ago and just sat there sadly which was noticed by Kunti who was there with Arjun. Soon, Madri's sad expression has turned into a tearful one making Kunti frown.

Making Arjun sit on the bed, Kunti walked towards Madri and knelt down beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Madri, what's wrong? Why are you shedding tears like this?" asked Kunti.

"Today, I went to the forest to collect some wood, Jiji. There I saw a family of monkeys. The old monkey was having a jovial time with his wife and kids. They were all so happy and at peace. All their faces reflected hopes of the arrival of spring" said Madri with a pleasant expression, with a lone tear cascading down her cheek at the end.

"When I saw them, I became emotional" she added.

Kunti smiled and asked "Did you get emotional upon seeing them happy, Madri?"

"No Jiji," Madri replied and added "but there I saw an old female monkey, away from the entire family, sitting on a branch all by herself. She neither had food nor the warmth of the family. Alone... Helpless and miserable. She would have been a part of this happy family once, but she probably was unable to bear children. That's why she has been forgotten" cried Madri and stood up, stumbling away from Kunti with her back facing the latter.

Kunti immediately stood up, looking at Madri's back.

"Don't you have faith on the four sons, Madri?" asked Kunti.

"No Jiji. A new born child doesn't have any preconceived intentions. A child's heart is the purest of everything" cried Madri.

"But I don't know why I have this fear ever since I saw those monkeys..." said Madri, wiping her own tears while Kunti looked at her in concern. 

"Anyways, all of these are a waste of time and I'm unnecessarily worrying about something that will never happen. My Karn will never let anything like that happen. He calls me Maatha too and has given me the rights and comforts that a mother have with her son. Don't know what useless thoughts I was having earlier" muttered Madri, slapping her forehead while shaking it. 


Karn was with Pandu along with Yudhishthir, having their daily one-on-one sessions about how to rule a kingdom, how a king is supposed to be, think, rule and give justice to his subjects. 

Pandu completed explaining Yudhishthir the five main parts of a kingdom when Karn asked "What is daan (charity), Pitashree?"

Pandu smiled at his eldest son and explained "Charity is helping others without wanting or expecting anything in return from them. It is the right thing to do. It is only called charity when you help the distressed or needy without having any agendas or selfish reasons."

"Always remember Putra, charity is committed with the purest, most generous and selfless thoughts. Else, it won't be called as charity" said Pandu.

Karn nodded with a smile.

"You will definitely be the greatest king of all" said Pandu ruffling Karn's hair.

"In order to become the heir of Emperor Dhritarshtra, you have to work very hard, Karn. I know you will. You have been doing a very god job at it till now" said Pandu.

Karn smiled at Pandu while Yudhishthir said "And I'll always be there for Jyesth. I will always help him!"

Both Pandu and Karn smiled at Yudhishthir and Karn ruffled his brother's hair. Both Kunti and Madri just entered the place and Madri started picking flowers for pooja while Kunti walked towards Pandu. Karn immediately went towards Madri and helped her with picking more flowers from the bushes and shrubs. 

Madri ruffled Karn's hair sweetly and went back to picking the flowers.

"Arya" called Kunti making Pandu stand and face her while Yudhishthir silently skipped towards Madri and Karn and tried to help them.

"I think it's time for the birth of Karn's youngest brothers, Arya" said Kunti.

"I was thinking about that too, Kunti. This time we have to get the divine sacrament of the Ashwinis, the physicists of the Gods. When Karn becomes the king, it's important that his brothers have the knowledge of health. Humans, cows, horses, elephants and other animals. The ability and knowledge to understand them can only be given by Ashwini Kumars. Invite the Ashwini Kumars, Kunti" said Pandu.

"Yes Arya," said Kunti and added "but this time I won't recite the mantra. Madri will" making the said woman to look at Kunti in shock while Pandu looked surprised.

"Arya, even Madri has the right to bear your children" said Kunti.

"But you have received the boon, Kunti. It is the reward for your efforts" said Pandu.

"Whenever there is crisis in the family or accomplishments, everyone has the right on the proceeds. If we want to teach this truth to our children, then first I should learn to accept this truth" said Kunti.

"I will teach Madri the mantra with all of my heart. And the mantra will definitely bear the fruit, Arya" she added.

Madri had tears flowing down her eyes in shock, surprise and happiness. She rushed towards Kunti and hugged her with tears flowing down her eyes. 


Kunti, Madri and Pandu were standing by the clearing on the cliff again with Kunti pouring some water in Madri's hands who slowly poured it onto the ground. After that both the ladies joined their hands together in prayer and Pandu followed suit. Soon Ashwini Kumars appeared in front of them and Madri showed her hands in front of her, as if to hold something looking at the divine physicists hopefully. The twin gods blessed them and two twin boys materialized in Madri's arms. Pandu, Kunti and Madri bowed their head in respect, their hearts filled with happiness. Ashwini Kumars blessed them and disappeared leaving a very happy and gleeful family who were immersed in joy with the birth of the twin boys.


So, that's the 4th chapter! Hope you guys will like it! And thank you so much for all your reads, votes and the feedback! You guys are the best! Thank you so much guys! you guys are the best! Love you all! 

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