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It was the next day after the wedding of Vanditha took place. All the events related to the wedding were completed. While everyone were relaxing, Isha decided to be adventurous and sneaked out in a disguise, not wanting a babysitter to tail her. Unfortunately for her, a certain pair of tawny eyes had caught her sneaking out and decided to follow her in a disguise, following her own technic.

All the while, wherever Isha went, Karn was always near her, though maintained a distance from her so that he wouldn't get caught. He saw her taking everything in with curious eyes, a genuine smile graced his lips seeing her child like glee. It was like she was a literal child. He saw her venture to all the beautiful places and temples that she could. He wasn't far when she stopped to buy and eat something at the market, eavesdropping on the conversation that she was having with the lady.

Isha was devouring a delicious rasmalai when she asked the woman who was selling the sweets "Kakishree, are there any places that you would suggest for a visitor to go a visit here?"

The woman smiled at Isha and said "Yes Putri. There are a few places. There's a shiv mandir that is very peaceful to your heart when you go and oh! There's a small waterfall not far from that temple. It's very beautiful to look at!"

Isha grinned hearing her "Excellent! Then I'll go and visit them!"

"You have to cross the Gomti river for that Putri. Be sure to take someone with you because the sunset is going to be in a few hours. It's not safe for a woman to venture that area alone in the darkness" said the woman.

"It's okay Kakishree. I'll be fine!" said Isha.

Karn scoffed hearing her, but thankfully, nobody heard it in the bustle of the market.

Good thing I'll always be with her to keep an eyes on her keep her safe from any possible trouble that I know for sure she'll walk into eventually he thought.

After that, Isha made her way towards the river and saw a couple of boatmen whom people were using to cross the river. With a smile, she approached an elderly man.

"Pranipat Kakashree! Can you help me cross the river? I want to visit the Shiv Mandir across the river" said Isha.

The boatman smiled and said "Of course, putri. Climb into the boat and I'll drop you off across the river."

With a cute grin, Isha thanked him and climbed the boat. Karn too took the help of a young lad and started going after her. 

While Isha was taking in the scenic beauty that the nature provided, Karn was looking after her, admiring her. The young lad that was helping Karn kept looking at Karn and then at Isha a couple of feet away from them in a separate boat.

"Don't mind me asking Dau, but are you following that stree?" asked the young lad, wriggling his eyebrows.

Karn shot the boy a look and said "What do you think?"

"Oh, I'm not thinking, I know for sure that you're following her" replied the boy.

"But why though? You don't look like a kidnapper or some guy who wants to harm her" wondered the boy while rowing the boat.

"Haa! I know why! You like that woman and were just following, not exactly sure what you're accomplishing from that though... Why don't you just go and talk to her?" said the boy.

"You do like making scenarios in your head, boy" dismissed Karn.

The boy snickered and said "You look bummed. Looks like that woman doesn't pay much attention to you."

Karn narrowed his eyes at the boy.

The boy sighed in exaggeration and said "If you, a handsome man like you didn't gain that woman's affection, then normal men will not stand a chance."

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now